FTB/Curse Launcher: Can modpacks supply launch args?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the FTB/Curse launcher: Can a modpack specify any launch args for Java?

The thinking is simple. Lets say that a modpack behaves badly with the default (bad mismatch between Java's assumptions and Minecraft behavior), and a set of arguments to adjust garbage collection and compiler optimizations results in significant improvement in pack performance -- enough to make the difference between playable and unplayable. Can a pack say "This is the recommended set of arguments for use"?

Now, there's both minumum numbers, which a pack may need to say, as well as recommended numbers -- but there's also computer specific maximums. A given computer might only be able to afford X memory, or it might not have many cores. ETc. So there would need to be both "This is the max for this computer", "This is the minimum recommended for this modpack", and "This is the proposed set of args for the user to adjust".

But some way for the pack to say "This is what's recommended", as a baseline.

Does the FTB/Curse launcher support this?