Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

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Guys this server is great! By far the least laggy FTB server I've played on. If you are looking for a FTB server using the MindCrack pack you've found it!
I can't connect, it says 'forge mod could not connect to this server the mod versions listed below are required to play on this server SoulShards 1.14' Is that a downgraded version? because I think the current one is 1.15? If so, where do I get it? I wanna play :S
Direwof20's pack as of this moment still contains soul shards 1.14.
You can start DW20's pack through the launcher so it downloads and then copy SS 1.14 over to mindcrack. Just remember to remove 1.15.
love everything about the servers... yeah even the hardmode... just one tiny request... when ya update the webpage could ya put in a spot so we may get donation info to send ya bucks... Love ya guys server rocks

Most likely that information will get into the second post of this thread when all is done. And your perms ingame are set btw :)
Fixed area that generated clientsided crashes. If any more happends, please state as much info as possible in this thread. Stuff like location, townname (if having any) etc.
Is the beta A server ever coming back up? I really hope you're not waiting for it to update to 1.4.6.
There is no plans for the BETA A atm the moment no. Its still on hold untill further notice. Map is still there, its not deleted or anything :)