Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

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I read thru donor info, noticed it is mainly for mytown, is there a donor level for ability to use /sethome?
There is no /sethome command.

For respawning after death, use beds.
For "teleporting" you can use /spawn (60s cast time) which returns you to the server spawn, or /t spawn [optional name] to teleport to towns, only
As i was running around, i noticed that someone had a Zeppelin, on the last server I was on we could not get recipe to work, was having problems with the steam boiler and propeller. Since they work here can someone help me with correct recipe.

Tested a second ago and works for me :)

Are you using the correct kind of steel? The correct crafting machine? (psst, things from TC generally need the train workbench)
ok from what i get refined iron works on all the reciepes except boiler and propeller. so must make railcraft steel and use forge lexicon to convert to traincraft steel then it works.

i also could not get the graphite reciepe working.

if someone can confirm that would be great .
Forge lexicon isn't avaliable on this server (whole omniwrench mod is disabled).
You can make TC steel the normal way *points at first coal dust/graphite/steel dust recipes*
Forge Lexicon nulls out the hardness of GregTech, and the omnitool has a few "unwanted feature". So we just had to dissable that mod as it was used to gain advantages from exploits.
k, did not realize all that. once we get enough resources we will try the tc recipes on here.

So far enjoying server. Few questions about mytown. the ability to not allow players to walk thru a town seems to take away from the MFFS mod and also some of the risk of PVP. I think pvp should be enabled everywhere, and if ppl want to keep out then build good defenses.

With protections for blocks in towns should be adequate. ppl could always make trpas if they really wanted too.

Mobs can attack you on the spawn tracks but you cannot attack back.

As far as donor are those set in stone, or can there be some "customization". Particulalrly the teleport to town spawn command, my kids and brother play together, did not really want to donate and have the mayor/res perks on 4 accounts just to get the town spawn ability.

Could you guys please either let me buy a Silverwood sapling or regen nodes I cant recharge my wands...
I'm in the same boat as Xyrohip. Probably quite a few others as well.
With the update to MindCrack v8 and the accompanying update to Thaumcraft 1.4.7, we get this is the changelog:
aura data is now saved as part of the normal MC chunk data. As a result any kind of aura operations now only takes place on nodes in loaded chunks. This has already been true for the most part, but previously a small number of operations could still take place even in unloaded chunks.
I can only guess, but maybe this will fix the issue with aura being drained server-wide. Maybe it won't be destroyed immediately if you regenerate it one more time.

On an unrelated note, I assume the Mindcrack update is the reason the server's down? I hear that there's a problem downloading it through the launcher and you should get it through the site.
is there a place where people normally chat while the server is down? no one is on the main site and i'm surprised no one is complaining about it being down.