Whitelist Server Free The Beast|Whitelisted|SMP|24/7|

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have started a whitelisted Feed The Beast server called Free The Beast and we're looking for applicants.
The server runs 24/7 hosted in Brisbane (Australia). We run the Mindcrack mod pack and the server is survival on normal difficulty
No griefing of any nature. No stealing. No PVP (without good cause(Must not be malicious). Be kind to everybody. Pranking is allowed (Within reason). We basically follow the same rules as the Mindcrackers

We are looking for dedicated players who:
-Really enjoy playing FTB and want to be involved with a friendly community.
-Have intermediate to advanced knowledge on FTB. Have intermediate to advanced building skills.
-Speak fluent English and are over the age of 16 (preferably, exceptions may be made.

There are 17 slots open, to apply please fill out the form below.
Skype name:
How long have you played Feed The Beast:
How long have you played Minecraft:
What types of builds do you make:
How often will you play on the server:
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running:
Who is your favorite Mindcracker:
A summary about you:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Arjun623
Age: 18
Skype name: I would prefer to keep that private, so message me if you need it.
Country: USA
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 4 months
How long have you played Minecraft: over 2 years
What types of builds do you make: Creative and Aesthetic builds with high functionality
How often will you play on the server: 2-3 hours a day at least.
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: possibly if i enjoy my time here greatly :p
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: ooooh.. hard one, but i would probably say Nebris or Mhykol
A summary about you: I am currently a high school student preparing for college in the fall and I am looking to play some Minecraft with other individuals in order to have a good time. I also play other games besides minecraft and am an avid gamer of many genres.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: devon206
Age: 12 (Mature)
Skype name: DevonG206
Country: USA
How long have you played Feed The Beast: I have been playing for about 2 months.
How long have you played Minecraft: About 2 years.
What types of builds do you make: I usually like microblocks since you can make very nice and compact places with them. But overall I like modern build styles.
How often will you play on the server: On a weekday, about 2 hours. On Weekend could be 5-7 hours.
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Possibly.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: I really like Etho, AnderZEL, and Beef.
A summary about you: I am a mature person who loves gaming, I am a friendly, humorous person and enjoy most games, and likes to meet some cool people! I also am a 'Skilled' Minecraft player but still kind of learning the masters of FTB. I also have a YouTube channel and I am starting to try to upload. :)

Thanks for your time. Have a good day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Skype name:Will tell you if get accepted
How long have you played Feed The Beast: About when the mindcrack guys started
How long have you played Minecraft: for over 2 years now
What types of builds do you make:Like building bases underground, but dont have anything planed so far
How often will you play on the server: pretty much everyday and at least 1h a day and that can be up to 8h or so
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running:If i really like the server, then maybe
Who is your favorite Mindcracker:Etho, BdoubleO, AnderZEL, Nebris
A summary about you: Im a mature and friendly person, i enjoy playing games with other people. i will be helping out with everything i can and i hope just to have fun with the other guys on the server. My english is not perfect but i understand it good and can speak english good, my writing is not as good because im not so good on the grammar but i hope you get it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Dannynewmann
Skype: Danny_newman11
Country: US
How long have you played Feed The Beast?: About 2-3 months
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years
What types of builds do you make?: I am from The VoxelBox, so I make pretty much any style. (modernist, ultramodernist, rustic)
How often will you play on the server?: I will play pretty much ever day after school (3-4 hours) and weekends (5-8 hours each day)
Would you be willing to ship in to keep the server running?: If there are no greifers, nice moderators, good players, then yes ^.^
Who is your favorite Mindcracker?: Of course, Etho
A summary about you: I play the violin, and I am in art class, so I know what I am doing and how to build. I am very mature and I do not like greifers! I am also in The VoxelBox (a creative Minecraft server) and we build the best things you could ever see :).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: NightLifer1998
Age: 14
Skype name: Nightlifer1998
Country: Canada
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 3-4 months Along with Volts and tekkit experience 3-4 months as well.
How long have you played Minecraft: around one year or so.
What types of builds do you make: Buildings, factories, and more of Etho "ManCave" style houses.
How often will you play on the server: Most likely everyday.
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: depending of if i enjoy the server and play it enough.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Ethoslab and Anderzel
A summary about you: I go to highschool in a small town. Enjoy sports and gaming. Not the best at building but am very good with machines and the mods in the pack. I have a job and am somewhat good with computers. I enjoy helping people and getting to socialize and know people. i love playing the game with friends and having fun. Thanks for reading!

Seth Stoney

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: 1020304050
Age: 28
Skype name: sorry, dont have one :)
Country: Melbourne, Australia
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 2 months roughly
How long have you played Minecraft: since indev!
What types of builds do you make: i normally make things that are 99% aesthetically pleasing 1% practical, usually very pretty things​
How often will you play on the server: just changing this application, i noticed i play most days 12 hours plus ;)
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: if you need any help in that department i'm open for it :)
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: definetly the b-team!
A summary about you: i'm a very selfless person that cares for others in any way i can, i like alot of horror movies aswell!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: dkjjr
Age: 13
Skype name: I don't have one but I will make one if necessary.
Country: US
How long have you played Feed The Beast: Since October 2012.
How long have you played Minecraft: Since May 2012.
What types of builds do you make: Villages/Towns, Factories, Houses.
How often will you play on the server: 2-4 hours a day most days.
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: It depends on if I really like the server or not.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: paulsoaresjr
A summary about you: I just like playing Minecraft and building. I also like organizing big community builds.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: pelemesh_KO
Age: 15
Skype name: shalyginmm
Country: Russia(I hope it doesnt matter)
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 3 months
How long have you played Minecraft: more than 1.5 years with IC
What types of builds do you make: Less pipes, wires. More compact and efficiency
How often will you play on the server: 2-4 hours usually
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running:
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Genny and BdoubleO100
A summary about you:Vanila minecraft is boring and mods make it realy fun and hard sometimes. Like this:D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: haydosjr_0932
Age: 15 turning 16
Skype Name: matt.hayden32
Country: Australia
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 6 months
How long have you played Minecraft: 2 years
What types of builds do you make: I like to make everything automatic but good looking at the same time. I normally build what i am building first then i make it look nice, but sometimes i build things just to look good
How long will you play on the server: 3 hours per day, give or take
Will you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Sure i would love to help out
Who is your favourite Mindcracker: Bdubs, Anderz or Beef
A summary about you: I love to play sport and go meet with my friends, but in all my spare time i play minecraft. ive played vanilla for a long time and since ftb came out ive been fully addicted to it. I would love to be on a good, nice server
If you accept me please tell me on skype, even if im not accepted i would like to know somehow


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Leloleur
Age: 16
Skype name: wahenhill
Country: france
How long have you played Feed The Beast: 3 months
How long have you played Minecraft: since beta 1.2
What types of builds do you make: Everything that's useless but fun :D
How often will you play on the server: 1-2 hours a day
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Depends on how i like the server
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Etho and Anderzel
A summary about you: Just a normal guy who like building crazy stuff on minecraft and have fun with other players :D .
Jul 29, 2019
Chris Parsons
About 3 months
Since 1.1
Anything that looks like fun
1-4 hours a day
Hopefully can donate
B-team and Guude
Just a guy who wants to have a good server to play on

haters :)

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Skype name:the-haters-army
How long have you played Feed The Beast:2 months
How long have you played Minecraft:when creative came out
What types of builds do you make:machines and building for diffrent things
How often will you play on the server:hours a day mostly alot but not over kill
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running:yer all the time
Who is your favorite Mindcracker:etho and direwolf20
A summary about you:have fun no drama and frendly even no my username :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: NightTrain
Age: 16 next month, mature
Skype name: Night
Country: Finland
How long have you played Feed The Beast: About 3 months, I have mainly been just watching a lot of youtubers play it because I haven't had a good server to play on
How long have you played Minecraft: Since Alpha
What types of builds do you make: Normally I try to make good looking, large buildings. I also love building farms
How often will you play on the server: Daily, depends on how busy Im with school and other hobbies
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Hopefully, I
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Etho!
A summary about you: I am a small town Finnish boy who loves minecraft and music, I play the guitar and piano. I have recently gotten really intrested about playing on a feed the beast server, Mindcrack style :D
I would love to be part of the community and build epic machinery. Im also looking forward to learning all kinds of new things about FTB. I hope I can join the server. Thanks

Patrick The Spartan

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: SlayerNotSlave
Age: 16 next month, mature
Skype name: Patrick The Spartan
Country: Finland
How long have you played Feed The Beast: Well.. i havent played FTB so much about 2 months or so, but i have knowledge about FTB trough MindCrackers.
How long have you played Minecraft: I started it when i was 10!.. so 6 years ago....
What types of builds do you make: I'm lover of moderate sized greatly decorated houses.. i mostly just build mansions or huge factories of somesort.
How often will you play on the server: Probadly every day atleast 1-3 hours. depending my school.. basicly how busy am i.
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Meaby, if its truly needed.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Etho, AnderZel and Docm.
A summary about you: Well... i live in small town in Finland, minecraft and drawing has been my enertainment this far, i have always loved do make decorative houses or mansion..anything what catches my mind I MADE IT... what comes to FTB i havent really experiemented it yet, but i have earned some knowledge trough MindCrack. thats why i would love to join your server, to basicly learn all the things!!... mostly looking forward doing Thaumcraft..

My live has been mostly PC and drawing.. when i found minecraft and its possibilities to make decorative houses or just paintings... everything what catches my mind..
I can promise you that i will be nice person, helpful when needed, and good friend basicly..

I look forward on playing on your server.. i would really be thankful to join your server..

Also!!:. Night who sended his reply earlier who is really good friend of mine, and it would be really awesome that we both would be able to join the server together.
we have always been playing MC together mostly vanilla, so it would be nice to continue our journey in FTB!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Skype name:i have but i will give you it when im in.
How long have you played Feed The Beast: some weeks but i have looked at many videos.
How long have you played Minecraft:about 3 years
What types of builds do you make:big bases castles ships redstone and skyskraper and more.
How often will you play on the server:pretty often atleas 4 times per week but i think more
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running:not donate or host it.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker:i dont know i think it ts a swedish one called xweeze
A summary about you:im a guy who playing games and record videos to youtube and im building big stuff not mouch small shit. im not a griefer but i can joke with peoples but not so they feel bad. i will be aktive in the chat. but my computer its pretty laggy so i hope its not a laggy server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thankyou all for your applications. Those who have been accepted have been notified :). There are still 9 slots left so please keep sending in your applications.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: specrazorzz
Age: 15
Skype name: Will give privately if accepted
Country: US
How long have you played Feed The Beast: About 4 months
How long have you played Minecraft: More than 2 years
What types of builds do you make: Ascetically Pleasing, as well as being functional. Mosty themed builds, like Midevil city, future-esc base, steampunk, et cetera.
How often will you play on the server: Daily (At least an hour or so)
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: If I am able to. (Once schools out I may have a job to be able to donate)
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: Mhykol (Listing to him as I'm filling this out :p)
A summary about you: The name's Eric, whenever I have spare time and it isn't nice out I'll end up staying inside and playing some games on the computer, Minecraft being one of them. I've followed the MindCrackers for about a year or so now. I run track and do some other school related sports.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: PhilsGeneralTso
Age: 13 (I am responsible)
Skype name: MSG me when i'm accepted. I want to keep it private.
Country: US
How long have you played Feed The Beast: Since it was released.
How long have you played Minecraft: 2.5 years.
What types of builds do you make: Labrotory/factory
How often will you play on the server: Everyday
Would you be willing to chip in to keep the server running: Yes, but I need to get my allowance first haha.
Who is your favorite Mindcracker: iJevin, AnderZEL
A summary about you: My name is Justin (nickname Phils). I want to join this server because it seems calm and not like chaotic. I don't like a lot of people playing in a server because they're some griefers. I'm a outgoing person. I love jokes and I want to meet new people. I don't like any kind of violence. I hope I make new friends on this server! I am a 8th grader. I get straight A's. Very intelligent and won't do stupid thing. I play table tennis too! I hope you guys reply back to me soon! I do not check this a lot.. So, if you accepted me, can you shoot me a email at: [email protected]? Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: ascheller98
Age: 15
Skype: N/A
Country: US
Played FTB: 6 months +/-
Played MC: 1 yr +/-
Build Type: Not that great, my design sense is a bit lacking I like to make a quick house and then get into machinery.
How often will I be able to play: Depends. My mom's CPU is the only MC running CPU in the house and she sometimes doesn't let me play. Possibly up to an hour everyday of the week...
Server chipping in: Eeeehh no. Sorry I would love to it's just my parents don't like me contacting people and sending $
Favorite Mindcracker: Anderz, Nebs, Bdubs, GennyB
Summary: Smart; Freshman: Honors Biology, Honors Alg, Honors Geo, Spanish II, English 10, etc.) and I make almost all A's (a B here and there)
I LOVE GregTech and feel I'm pretty good with it along with a few other mods. I got bored with SSP so I applied to SMP. Love Mindcrack and want to get on a server with a good community (to prank and have fun/other shenanigans :p ).
Thanks for considering :)