FPS slowing, closely followed by a crash

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I havent, didnt think that was possible on an iMac. Also, arent the only upgrades for an iMac the ram and the hard drive??

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Depends on which one you have exactly. Some even solder the RAM in, and changing the hard drive can cause issues, such as forcing a fan to run at full speed all the time. This is one of the reasons I will never give that company a single penny....they actually manage to make Microsoft look like saints, and that's a serious trick!

Anyways, I don't really think it's CPU necessarily giving you that problem. If it was CPU bottleneck for example, you wouldn't expect it to get worse while just sitting there logged in. That's a memory thing.

Do you have any kind of model number? I can find a lot more specifics about your computer with that. "Core 2 Duo" is an entire range of CPUs over the course of several years.

Better to do -XX: PermSize=256 the MaxPermSize argument can cause issues itself and later java's (7u40+) are fairly good at handling PermSize up to a limit. Thread here http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/jvm-arguments-for-modded-minecraft-updated-12-30-13.28994/ .
(no space in the argument but the forum code smilies it :))

That's the thread I was talking about, and it seems I need to update my settings as well. I copy pasted that argument straight from my own arguments..which I got from that thread a couple months ago or so:)

Also, he doesn't have Java 7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay guys,
So your tips have been working well so far; my unleashed has been running at a solid 30 frames per second. Really appreciate the tipa and stuff so far, but mc is still crashing. After an amount of time, it will freeze and crash (same thing, not a crash, just doesnt respond). Would this be the memory being used up? Or is there something else? Happy to get more RAM, as this is an upgrade I can install on my iMac, but mine can only hold up to 16gb.

By the way, my iMac model the late 2009 version, 21.5 inch. If you need more info, just google the info I gave you, and it will show you the exact specs I have.

Ps, I put in the MaxPerm and Perm (whateva it was), and that helped the frame rate keep stable. Thanks for that :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A memory upgrade would be a complete waste, for the cost of 16 gigs of memory you would have half the money needed to buy a much better computer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im not saying i would get 16 gb (i would get about 6), i was just mentioning that my computer can hold that much. Also, since when does 16 gb of RAM cost half as much as a GOOD gaming computer?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You are running the JDK (java development kit) version of java which I believe isn't great for the uses you are trying to put it to, my first step would probably be removing the version 6 JDK and getting version 7 of java. A quick google can point you in the right direction about how to go about updating to java 7 on an apple basically you must remove the old version completely and it'll probably be a pain in the arse but I found a few threads on the Apple Support Communities forum about how to do it (of course the easy option is go buy a PC :p).
I know that changing from 6 to 7 did make a small difference to my computers capability to run heavily modded minecraft but a Core 2 Duo still isn't great my kids comp is about the same spec and it is fine as long as my server is doing most of the work but standalone, FTB packs tend to cause it to cry. :)

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is the system. I've run that pack on my older laptop, which has a slower processor, less capable graphics card, and had only a 32bit OS at the time (hence it was only able to dedicate 1gb of RAM to the game, which is more then it needed), and had no such issues. Granted the frame rate averaged 10-20fps, but it didn't do this.

If the issue involved a hardware failure, your symptoms would be far more dramatic then what you're seeing. For example, in the event of an overheat, the only predictable action a computer will perform is to shut itself down. If for whatever reason they don't do that, the results are entirely UNpredicatable. Seeing the game bring your system to its knees in a very particular way, which only the game triggers, indicates it's all in software.

I'm leaning towards it being the Java installation. I hear tell that many mods these days will malfunction under Java 6 (and that's putting aside the security issues present in Apple's Java 6, which really isn't recommended for Mavericks under any conditions). I support the idea of upgrading to Java 7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, yeah it does. 8x2GB sticks which is the common and non-foolish way to get 16 gigs of memory is around $160.

For $320 you could build a computer that would lay a beating on the specs OP listed. Without monitor of course, those are never included in the price of build because you replace those much less frequently. For example: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/2DUnP

Take the memory and hard drive from the current computer. Optical drive as well if needed. Run an easy to use Linux distro like Ubuntu for free or get Windows 7 or 8, students get great discounts on those. The budget would even have $20 left over which is enough to get 2 or 4 gigs of memory if you buy local and perhaps used.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But 4x4GB is cheaper, no?[DOUBLEPOST=1390162815][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, i am wrong, what the hell happened to make ram prices to go up?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know right? In the US the memory prices are through the damn roof and in Canada its slightly worse because every electronic component is imported.

I suppose 4x4 might be cheaper, but only by a small margin and its better to use only 2 slots so you can put another 16 gigs in later. Its basically future proofing, although it doesn't matter much currently, DDR4 is right around the corner. Less new builds will even be able to use the DDR3 memory of today.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does FTB work with Java 7? Because I tried before, but nothing related to Java would open

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB definitely works with java 7 as should all java based programs however if you read the threads on the forum I posted about there are issues with updating java on macs and you have to do it right or you get the result you just said, nothing works.