What exactly do you mean here, are you talking about the quote areas if you can't explain then take a screenshot so I can tell which part you are talking about.
Ok, can you see the difference in the white in these two pages? (insert failed upload link here)
Crap, I can't upload to imgur from here. Basically, place a page with your previous screen shot overlaid with this page. The background here is greyer. If it was white, as in #FFFFFF, that would help.(previous screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/6sw7yDm.png )
It all depends on what people want. The difference between the "Post Reply" button and the quoting area (like where it says "Jerx99 said:") is huge. After changing to a white background, I think the background in the "Post Reply" button might be better, but you'll have to check it with white.I also find it funny that people are asking for exact opposites, some people say there is too much red, others say there is not enough :3
Yay, selection by committee!Basically we had a discussion during the development of the new website (not this one, the www site), I had kept the orange color scheme we had there, slowpoke said that he didn't like the orange and would like to change the color scheme for everything. The launcher, website, forums, this is the color that was selected
Additionally, looks like the old page borders on the left and right were 1/12 of the page. Now it's like 1/20. Looks like minecraftforum.net is about 10%. Maybe try 1/12 or 1/10 BLACK borders on the page.
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