whizzball1 is banned for not knowing that we are banning the person ON TOP OF US.
whizzball1 is banned for quoting me!
(can you please give me the right spelling for aquantinces)
Banned for not knowing grammar like you think you do. In this sentence, there is an implied statement, as of names read from a list, and methodically processed by word of mouth.. Imagine I am a moderator on the forums and given a list of people to ban.Furfurfur2001 is banned for not understanding that even then, you should still specify the name because saying "Banned for [REASON]" is incorrect grammar. Specifying the name would make the sentence correct.
Banned for not knowing grammar like you think you do. In this sentence, there is an implied statement, as of names read from a list, and methodically processed by word of mouth.. Imagine I am a moderator on the forums and given a list of people to ban.
"Banned for being furry."
Another way to look at it is in text, as this is a forum. is the following sentence incorrect?
Whizzball1: Banned for being round.
In these sentences, the subject is implied, as if pointing to the person and saying it.
If you have means to prove me wrong, then please do.
goreae is banned because my iPad wants to correct his name to Goreae.Banned for mixing up "I like" and "it is correct". I banned you last post, as I did this one. And even if that statement was on its own, the correct banning would be "goreae is banned for banning someone." not nobody.
Oh, and Anyone is banned for having a stupid name.
whizzball1 is banned for ERROR 405 I NO STAND NO GRAMMAR
Whizzball1 is banned because you always capitalize the first word of a sentence, even if the word isn't normally capitalized. For example, the first 'T' in "The mouse ate cheese." is capitalized, even though the word "the" isn't normally capitalized.