Forge Essentials Help please

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok to the point...

i have my own private server running a modified version of FTB Unleashed. I use mcmyadmin pro to manage it and so on, i have recently tried to install forgeEssentials for MC 1.5.2 onto the server, I downloaded the Server files for 1.5.2 snapshot and i follwed the instructions...i placed the the FECore into the coremods folder and the modules into the mods folder. However when I start the server it starts up just fine, but when i login it crashes within seconds, sending the CPU usage to the red... i have tried deleting the FEData folder, ive tried increasing the max players to 25, ive rebooted the server many many times over...still same effect.... if someone would be so kind as to lend me some hlep getting my server running i would greatly appreciated. I cant really invite ppl on there without some kind of protection. Also i should note that i have also tried to instal bukkitforge with the same effect. I dont care which one i use as long as i have sometihng...but nothing seems to work. I need someone to help walk me thorough it as im probably doing sometihng wrong here.....many many thanks in advance...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1: What modpack version are you using.

2: what other plugins do you have?

3: What is the link to the crashlog, that you obviously forgot to include in the question.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1: What modpack version are you using.

2: what other plugins do you have?

3: What is the link to the crashlog, that you obviously forgot to include in the question.

1) Im using the latest version of FTB Unleashed, Forge Essentials Version 1.5.2 Snapshot

2) I have no plugins atm, been trying to install Forge Essentials

3) After another go at reinstalling it, it doesnt seem to work, cpu usage through the roof, and ultimatly just shuts down with:
Internal Exception: Jave.Net.SocketTimoutException: Read Time out

sorry for the lack of information... It doesnt generate a server crash report atm but that could change any min from my experience so far...seems to act any which way it feels like pretty randomly...does everything except work properly lol... I thank you for your reply....hope this can be fixed...been only messin with this for 2 l ong miserable days now....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I went with bukkitforge and the essentials plugin for bukkit, works for me, just need to get my head around the permissions now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldnt mind going with bukkit forge.... but i cant seem to get that to work either... does the same thing as forge essentials does :/ dunno what the hell im doin wrong here... :/ i drop the coremods stuff into the core mods folder, place the mods stuff into the mods folder...reboot server......5 secs login then max cpu :/ wish it wasnt so difficult.... what version of bukkitforge are you using and where can i get it lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BukkitForge-1.5.2-301 got it from there jenkins. Believe it was the first result in google for "BuukitForge"[DOUBLEPOST=1380407541][/DOUBLEPOST]Also be sure to remove all of the forge essentials files before trying it. core and mods, and the FEData


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thanks man, yeah thats the one i downloaded as well, but when i instlal it... the world doesnt load most of the time only bits and pieces....followed by server crash shortly after.... ill give it another go tho i guess see what happens.... its just basically download the file, place the core into the core mods folder, place the plugins like WE/WG into th eplugins folder, delete FEData folder and start server right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No. Place bukkitforge into core, the rest goes in the /plugins folder. so first, just place bukkitforge in the coremods folder. start server, stop server. then you should see a /plugins folder. place the Essentials and whatnot plugins for bukkit in there. start server, stop servre. edit configs. start server and should be good


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, what is your command line? i use the following:
java -d64 -server -XX:UseSSE=4 -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:parallelGCThreads=3 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Xms1024M -Xmx6072M -XX:permSize=512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar ftpserver.jar nogui
The -XX:MaxPermSize=512M and -XX:MinPermSize=512M fixed crashes for me.

Also, make sure you use the latest version of java.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow i didnt know about any of that...whereabouts do i find all this information.... as for java i recently downloaded the latest 64bit version is there a way to check and make sure?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok so new problem...GOD IM READY TO RIP THE HAIR FROM MY SKULL!!!!! ok i digress.... so i decided to say the hell with it and i scrapped the whole server, reinstalled everything ....tried bukkitforge this time round, to my surprise it worked.....for a min...... thne stopped working all of a sudden...then server shut off usual CPU through the roof.... WHY IN THE NAME OF GOD IS THIS SO DIFFICULT TO ACCOMPLISH! sorry im cleary frustrated after 2 straight days of this garbage... the server console read : loading player <name> .....welcome back <player name> ...server stopping...unloading players..... no crash report no nothing...what the hell is doin this? oh ya server also read: server was in the incorrect state :/ *slams head into desk*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My server was doing the incorrect state thing as well until the MaxPermSize was adjusted (it's around 150MB on mine right now, haven't needed more), if that doesn't work you can try to remove a couple of the heavier mods and then let it load for the first time and then add them back and if they add world gen have them do retro gen in the already loaded chunks if need be. CPU tends to go way up when it starts and loads everything and then back down as it gets fully loaded. I'm using a private pack based around 152wgt with added mods, I'm not sure how much Unleashed includes server side.