Forestry Butterfly's? O.O

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Chrissy .... fishes swim around derpy and if got out of water , you just lost a kind of fish ,
Whilst butterflies flies around peacefully and might derp a bit but not till death.

WRONG! Fishes are awesome! I actually keep fish IRL, and you would be amazed at all the awesome fish out there known only to the secret society of fishkeepers! I own an electric catfish! It's an F*&^ CATFISH THAT MAKES ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!! How awesome would that be? IC2 machines powered with fish! I dare you to say that wouldn't be awesome! Not to mention, sir, that there are fish which spend more than 2/3 of there lives out of the water, like mudskippers and lungfish. Don't make statements you can't back up, or you will face the wrath of the fishkeepers!!!!!!! (all the statements I have made in this post are true, go look it up if you don't believe me)

I take my fish very seriously. Don't piss me off, or I will send my army of fish-cyborgs to destroy your home! muhahahahahaha! :mad:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fish can be scary as fuck, too. There's a species of angler fish that has an absolutely batshit insane mating ritual. The male angler fish produces an acid which dissolves the skin and flesh of the female angler fish, who is much larger, as well as most of his own mouth and tongue, and then fuses himself to her circulatory system, forever becoming attached to her and feeding directly off of her bloodstream, producing sperm and fertilizing her eggs whenever she's in breeding season.

This is straight up X-files grade stuff. Morays and Barracudas are also pretty badass fish. Also manta rays, with their big poisonous spike. The sea is on a whole other level of scary and dangerous.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quetzel .... quetzel , Oh quetzel .... Butterflies are already here and that "Fish" is not likely to come , and what you might say is a bit right but , electric fish? -.- , eels in real life doesn't generate electricity for machines , and the idea of forestry was trees , bees takes from flowers pollination and send it to tree , and else butterflies would like the area and come help pollinate , and what you are telling me , is getting a fucking fish that swims around and do nothing? As lambert already said , there is no need for them like "Oh I just bred my fish to give me 5 food points but not 3!" "Well i bred my fish to give me regenerate" So think twice before conversate with me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys the game you want is here. Save yourselves the wait.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
True, in real life, no electric fish generates enough electricity constantly to power any machines, but this is minecraft! YOU RIDE PIGS WITH SADDLES. And fish are much more than food or pretty display pieces, as has already been mentioned. There are some pretty damn strange fish out there, like the candiru, a catfish which is parasitic, and has been known lodge in the anal cavities of south american natives from time to time, with deadly results. Or its cousin, which consumes live prey from the inside out. There is even the arapiama, which is in the running for the largest freshwater fish in the world, and ha been known to leap clear of the water and snap men's necks with one slap of its tail. Now read that and tell me that fish aren't badass!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know but you just kept on reading "Its just a food" while ignoring that forestry is ALL around breeding and pollinating , not a lot of pollinating in sea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is we would need to be able to see the fishes.
Yes, they're badass as heck. The Beta fish hates so much other Beta fish in one country there's like a dog fight with them.
But you really can't see fishes in MC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is we would need to be able to see the fishes.
Yes, they're badass as heck. The Beta fish hates so much other Beta fish in one country there's like a dog fight with them.
But you really can't see fishes in MC.

Make them fly in the air, then they can be seen. Maybe give them a different name. We could try "butterfly"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is 19 out of ?? not sure on the current total count heh.

Also, they do have a small role kinda neat really.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
after digging thru the forestry files there seems to be 32 total breeds of, butterfly's funny thing is I'm not even trying to get them those are just from getting chestnut trees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well that is some what wrong , i got a full lepo-shit chest full of 2 pages of different butteflies , which is somewhat total of 40+


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fish can be scary as fuck, too. There's a species of angler fish that has an absolutely batshit insane mating ritual. The male angler fish produces an acid which dissolves the skin and flesh of the female angler fish, who is much larger, as well as most of his own mouth and tongue, and then fuses himself to her circulatory system, forever becoming attached to her and feeding directly off of her bloodstream, producing sperm and fertilizing her eggs whenever she's in breeding season.

This is straight up X-files grade stuff. Morays and Barracudas are also pretty badass fish. Also manta rays, with their big poisonous spike. The sea is on a whole other level of scary and dangerous.
Actually, mantas to my knowledge don't have stingers, those belong to stingrays. Mantas are much larger, and have long (or no) tails.

You know what they say, all toasters toast toast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can't give what I don't have yet. ;) I have some ideas, but no clue which will pan out and which won't. I don't even know yet how much breeding will be involved. The current plan has them as a more asthetic/collectible item. Bees will stay the uncontested "resource producers".

Sengir, maybe put them in apiaries, as usual, but make butterfly houses and butterfly alvearies, like the bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the ideas of butterflies reducing/inducing mob spawning. Butterflies that control the weather would be nifty. Friendly firebat like butterflies would be epic, you breed them and when released they fly to the nearest bad mob and explode. Like living homing grenades mwahaha.