Summary of the problem Forestry bees are not producing their specialty / secondary
Pack Version 1.5.3
What is the bug? I have been emulating the perfect temperature / humidity conditions for the bees to get them to produce their specialty but no success so far.
Have been trying out industrial apiaries, alvearies with heater upgrades and forestry apiaries in the natural habitat (e.g. nether for wither and apocalyptic bees) but nothing works.
is this intended? Have spent a lot of time, breeding those high class bees and now they are basically useless.
Mod & Version FTB Beyond 1.8.1
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes
Known Fix
Pack Version 1.5.3
What is the bug? I have been emulating the perfect temperature / humidity conditions for the bees to get them to produce their specialty but no success so far.
Have been trying out industrial apiaries, alvearies with heater upgrades and forestry apiaries in the natural habitat (e.g. nether for wither and apocalyptic bees) but nothing works.
is this intended? Have spent a lot of time, breeding those high class bees and now they are basically useless.
Mod & Version FTB Beyond 1.8.1
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes
Known Fix