Food For Tools|1.4.2|White List|New Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
White-List Application:
IGN: Mukkod
Age: 16
Why you want to join: because i want to play on a non-restricted server with minimal lag a nice community and just have fun
Anything else: i might make a town or something
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a nice,calm and friendly server to play on.
Anything else: Knowledge with essentially all the mods save ComputerCraft coding.
IGN: Cow5215
AGE: 18
WHY: I've been looking for a modded server that's white listed and have people that talk on mumble or teamspeak.
ANYTHING: I follow the rules and have a lot of knowledge in these mods
IGN: SlaskoCZ
Age: 18
Why you want to join: This is Fun mod pack at it will be more funny with other people.
Anything else: I'm watching the direwolf20 serverplay season 3. I've been playing minecraft for 2 years and one year of technical pack. I come from the Czech Republic forgive for mistakes in grammar.
IGN: HeRoBrInEv212
Age: 15
Why you want to join: SSP is boring, SMP isn't.
Anything else: ......Nah, not really
White-List Application:
IGN: Vdippi
Age: 13
Why you want to join: I like to play with other people cause we can share and get to know other people and make more online friends :)
Anything else: I'm a "noob" at these mods but I know a few basic things.
IGN: jeckle
Age: 31
Why you want to join: looking for a server i can call home
Anything else: im looking for a mature community, with no cheating or loading of items. friendly, and i agree with quality over quantity. Ill play with 0 players or 20 ... i dont care i just like to play.
Why you want to join:I'm looking for a nice community with good stuff(and staff).
Anything else:Hmmm.......Bacon (being random is epic!)
IGN: Suktar
Age: 18
Why you want to join: I've been a heavy minecraft player since alpha, and I just recently started playing with mods.. I tried out tekkit for a while and enjoyed it, but then I saw FTB and it just looked really cool to me. I'm looking for a small smp with mature/friendly players to play with. Preferably hard difficulty, but it doesn't matter.
Anything else: I really just don't want the server I play on to have too much lag :p
White-List Application of pkmaxmaxmax



Why you want to join:
I would like to join a server wich is not too big and has no limits. I like the idea that you can live all together.

Anything else:

Already told :P

Greetz, pk
White-List Application: reaperblack
IGN: reapercokayne
Age: 25
Why you want to join: because i want to play with all my friendly war z friends and wont destroy anyone’s hard work :)please can i join

Anything else: i will hunt all creeps and not let them blow up ... and yes i might create an computer network system in that server :P
White-List Application:
IGN: yawinsum
Age: 29
Why you want to join: I want to join because I prefer smaller, closer communities. I see no reason to have 50+ people servers. I like the idea that you prefer quality over quantity, I agree totally.
Anything else: I'm not the most knowledgeable with these mods but I am slowly learning. I'm hoping to join up with someone and work with them to create amazing things.
IGN: pims1997
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I want to join because this looks like a friendly server which i can spend my minecraft hours on =P
Anything else: I can make awesome looking buildings and bases, while doing that legit!
Why you want to join: i want to join because this looks like a nice, small(ish) server that has a friendly community.
Anything else:i am not a big fan of IC2, but i love working with others (sometimes)
White-List Application:
IGN: Disturbedsolja
Age: 16
Why you want to join: I am looking for a fun quality community to play the Feed The Beast modpack with.
Anything else: I am very helpful and mature I always try my best to not bring any bad things to the server and I will do my best to keep the server fun for other players.
White-List Application:
IGN: Shippo_13
Age: 14
Why you want to join: Because i have played tekkit and minecraft for a long time and I want to try this new mod pack
Anything else: I am good at tekkit so that will help me in FTB, I can help others if they need it and I know whats good from bad
Mukkod, Nov 18, 2012Report
IGN: troyster_7
Age: 14
Why you want to join: I have played on many other servers with different mods and would like to try FTB with other people
Anything else: I have been a moderator on a different server before but that was shut down a few months ago.
White-List Application:
IGN: Nochnoii
Age: 24
Why you want to join: I'm new to FTB and this server seems very relaxed :)
Anything else: hi!
White-List Application:
IGN: link991991
Age: 13
Why you want to join: I want to join a server that does not lagg.
Anything else: I am Norwegian and likes to team up with somone