Flux help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I understand the concept of Flux, but how do you make it dissipate? I have made a wand upgrade, created one or two other things.. and my flux levels have been slowly increasing (as I was new at things). Now that I understand Flux I am better about managing it. Unfortunately the current Flux level never drops. It just stays at High, Dangerous, Moderate, whatever. I've tried planting tons of Silverwood saplings (which have all grown into nice and tall Silverwood trees). Those raise the aura level, but do not eliminate the actual FLUX.

So.. what is the secret to getting it to drop?
Nodes will naturally generate wisps and other affects to dissipate flux. You could also use the Pure Bee from Thaumic Bees (DW20 or Ultimate), which slowly gets rid of flux. If you can make a large pure node with silverwood saplings, then get your other node to merge with it, it will create a pure node that gets rid of flux by itself.
Pure nodes (generated when silverwood trees grow- you can chop the tree and replant it to grow the node) will very slowly dissipate Flux stored in them.
Wisp spawning, as well as other flux releases, will also reduce flux, albeit very slowly.
Your best bet might be to get into Thaumic Bees- the Pure bees, I think, will actively pull Flux from the aura and give a Crystallized <aspect> item. Combine those with a little automation and some fast productivity serum (Cultivated bees have this, although I've heard a rumor that some of the thaumic bees go even faster), and you should be good to go.
No wisps or side-effects have spawned yet. I've got a set of four silverwood trees that are all planted within a 4x4 block grid, resulting in the aura node for that area slowly migrating and merging into a larger one. That one node is the closest one to my Thaumcraft work area, so it's got a high level of Flux right now. (It may be up to "Dangerous" by now, can't recall.) So far.. no side effects, no debuffs / nausea / whatever.. and no wisps.

Do I have to force it over past Dangerous to make Wisps spawn?[DOUBLEPOST=1362870766][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank you for the Thaumic Bees suggestion, time for me to start researching bees!
No wisps or side-effects have spawned yet. I've got a set of four silverwood trees that are all planted within a 4x4 block grid, resulting in the aura node for that area slowly migrating and merging into a larger one. That one node is the closest one to my Thaumcraft work area, so it's got a high level of Flux right now. (It may be up to "Dangerous" by now, can't recall.) So far.. no side effects, no debuffs / nausea / whatever.. and no wisps.

Do I have to force it over past Dangerous to make Wisps spawn?[DOUBLEPOST=1362870766][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank you for the Thaumic Bees suggestion, time for me to start researching bees!
Wisps should have started spawning a while ago. Are you playing on peaceful or something? Also, if there are no negative effects why are you worried about it lol?
I am not playing on Peaceful, but I am playing on "Easy".

I figured the higher the flux, the slower the growth rate of the Aura Node. Is this not true?
There's also purposely making Giant Zombie flux (Brains and rotten flesh into crucible then emptying it) if I recall correctly.
Wait, are the pure nodes from the silverwoods going straight into a larger node?
If so, they're not doing you any good at all! Aside from getting you the Purus aspect, of course.

You'll want to set up your silverwoods far enough from any other nodes that the pure nodes don't go anywhere. When two nodes merge, the resulting node will be the same type as the larger of the two nodes. I'd recommend waiting until the baseline level of your pure node is greater than that of the nearest normal node, then placing your Crystal Core a few meters closer to the natural node. This will ensure that, by the time the nodes merge, the pure node will be bigger than the other one any way you look at it, and you should find yourself with a nice big pure node. You can then grow your silverwoods right next to this one with no worries.

Also, you should be getting wisps even at moderate Flux if there's enough empty space around the node. Try clearing out some area around your node, if you really want wisps.
I plant a silverwood sapling, wait for it to grow .. then cut it down to expose the chewy node center, right?
You only need to chop the tree if you want the wood or if you want to plant another one in the same place.

However, I would recommend chopping the log at head height as soon as the tree grows (the Hoe of Growth is handy here- no other bonemeal effect will work on silverwood), and watching the node to make sure that it doesn't immediately get sucked into another node. Unless, of course, the other node is already pure.

Edit: Fixed a spelling error.

Edit 2: Also note that merging nodes is a direct source of Flux. However, I did manage to create (in a test world) a pure node with over 1000 vis just by growing silverwoods, but created "High" flux in the process. So bees probably are your best option.
Making sure wisps can spawn helps a lot. They seem to spawn on a certain block near the centre of the mode. If it is blocked, no wisps spawns.
The other negative effects only trigger based on the 'type' of flux(Same as the symbols on things). Some flux types will only be reduced by wisps/pure node/bees.
Once you have a single large pure node (You will create a huge amount of flux when growing new nodes, moving them e,t,c,), the cheap and easy option is to make a (large enough to allow wisps to spawn) container, shove a chunk loader and leave it for a while(days)
Or breed pure bees.
It has been my experience that pure bees have not lowered the flux below moderate, even with several going all the time. This of course is not on a pure node. Is this normal? If so, then what's the point of these bees?
I've had troubles lowering flux with even a pure node.

My current guess (through lousy observation) is that the reading is based on the number of types of a flux above a threshold. In which case you could have 2-3 that are stupidly high, but still have moderate flux.

Thats presuming the bees are positioned right, work, and they work like a pure node (IE slowwwwly)
Here's a slightly off-topic question. For some reason my jungle base has zero aura. I have to travel or jump into a Mystcraft age to recharge my wands. What is happening to the aspects that escape when I make stuff in my crucibles?
Here's a slightly off-topic question. For some reason my jungle base has zero aura. I have to travel or jump into a Mystcraft age to recharge my wands. What is happening to the aspects that escape when I make stuff in my crucibles?
I had a similar problem as well when I first started. It wasn't until I did a lot of traveling around in the world that all of a sudden that area registered aura.
is that 0 as in No aura reading (due to no node nearby) or 0/564 (as in, you've run out of aura)

For the former try finding the nearest nodes. If that doesn't give you aura at your base, move them or make a chain of them untill you get aura where you need it.
is that 0 as in No aura reading (due to no node nearby) or 0/564 (as in, you've run out of aura)

For the former try finding the nearest nodes. If that doesn't give you aura at your base, move them or make a chain of them untill you get aura where you need it.
It's the former. When I log in to the server, my goggles of revealing show nothing. I have to go about 150 blocks get an aura reading, which is weird since I deliberately sited my base in a jungle near a large obsidian totem structure (there's no node there).

When I travel to another node and finally get a number in my HUD, then travel back, my goggles keep that number in the HUD, but it's obviously wrong - the wands don't recharge.