Flux help

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I would try placing a silverwood sapling down by your base and traveling in a large circular area around your base and discover several of the nodes around you. Now, this shouldn't allow the silverwood tree to grow since it needs 100 vis but it worked for me. You could also drag the nearest node but that could take awhile. As an alternative to that and as kind of a quick fix I would plant silverwood saplings in a line from the nearest node about 30 blocks apart and grow them with the hoe of growth from farthest to closest. You could worry about combining those nodes later to make everything pretty. :)
Cool, I'll try the second idea. I'm nowhere near having a nether star at this point ...

Just remembered another weirdness - there's a barrow a couple hundred blocks from me with no evil node inside. I'm thinking the server owner regenerated the aura at some point.
Here's a slightly off-topic question. For some reason my jungle base has zero aura. I have to travel or jump into a Mystcraft age to recharge my wands. What is happening to the aspects that escape when I make stuff in my crucibles?
I had this exact problem, I had to kidnap a node with a crystal core.
From experience the flux was just not going anywhere.
It has been my experience that pure bees have not lowered the flux below moderate, even with several going all the time. This of course is not on a pure node. Is this normal? If so, then what's the point of these bees?
Pure bees cannot run without a pure node nearby the apiary.
Funny, I too have jungle biomes with zero / zero aura. Thankfully I didn't make my base in one at the start of the game (I am in a nice meadows environment that's got plenty of aura.)
Pure bees cannot run without a pure node nearby the apiary.
There is a pure node close by with no flux. Still doesn't seem to be lowering the flux where I want though. I know they're doing something because they keep making crystallized essence (or whatever it's called). I just want to know if they are going to lower the flux on my non-pure node.
There is a pure node close by with no flux. Still doesn't seem to be lowering the flux where I want though. I know they're doing something because they keep making crystallized essence (or whatever it's called). I just want to know if they are going to lower the flux on my non-pure node.
Every piece of that essence equates to a piece of flux; if they are making it then they are removing flux.
Do you have any crystal clusters in your base?
Every piece of that essence equates to a piece of flux; if they are making it then they are removing flux.
Do you have any crystal clusters in your base?
Just one mixed cluster near the pure node. I am getting tons of essence, especially mutatio. Does that mean that eventually the flux will drop below moderate?
Crystals cause flux too.
Nodes are damn picky.
You have below their aura value? Here's some flux.
You have above their aura value? Here's some flux.
Hey, what's that crystal doing in my area? Here's some flux.
Hey! You using a wand near me? Here's some flux.
Is that node near me getting closer, oh wow, it's really close now, woah - we merged!!! Here's some flux!!!
Do I smell gregtech being installed on this server? Here's some flux (I made that up).

Basically, you do magic, you get flux. The only thing you can do is try to limit how much flux you directly cause.

Personally, I build a room surrounding the node with no way in or out, and I just kill wisps in there. I'm told a tessla coil can zap em too. So, it's just a monster generator. Gotta try that zombie thing, sounds like fun. :) Brainz!!!
When you wear your goggles, is there more vis in the environment than the nodes natural limit? This causes a lot of flux and usually the culprit is a crystal cluster. Remove it and the flux SHOULD start to go down.
When you wear your goggles, is there more vis in the environment than the nodes natural limit? This causes a lot of flux and usually the culprit is a crystal cluster. Remove it and the flux SHOULD start to go down.
I have a crystal cluster next to my pure node that sometimes boosts the aura by one for a time. I also have one of those vis storage blocks(can't remember what they're called) right next to the cluster. The only magic that I do or have ever done in that area is growing silverwood trees and recharging my axe of the stream. I stopped both to see if the flux would go down. Still on moderate even after several hundred bee cycles. I guess I just want to know if I do nothing else to create flux, will these bees lower the flux to a level below moderate? I'll keep the bees either way, but it will effect whether or not I combine this normal node with a pure one.
I have a crystal cluster next to my pure node that sometimes boosts the aura by one for a time. I also have one of those vis storage blocks(can't remember what they're called) right next to the cluster. The only magic that I do or have ever done in that area is growing silverwood trees and recharging my axe of the stream. I stopped both to see if the flux would go down. Still on moderate even after several hundred bee cycles. I guess I just want to know if I do nothing else to create flux, will these bees lower the flux to a level below moderate? I'll keep the bees either way, but it will effect whether or not I combine this normal node with a pure one.

If the crystal cluster pushes the vis amount above the natural limit it creates flux; for example someone on my server had a node which had 5000/3000 vis (he grew a lot of trees) which he had surrounded with crystal clusters and the amount of wisps literally made it impossible to visit him, he had to move out.
The number in the bottom left corner should tell you if this is happening or not.