Flat out war

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have had this idea for a while and since my computer can't handle running server settings and play FTB I thought having the community help me work out some of the details since I can't really play test it myself. Well my idea came from watching mindcrack's ultra hardcore and super flat maps LP's. So using super flat map features in the world generation. I think that the only other world generation should be the neather so no mystcraft and no twilight forest for now just for testing purposes. That might change later but for now it shouldn't be used. I don't know if forge has random spawn's for players since I have no experience with server configs. The option I thought would be have the world on peaceful and have players move in a random direction for one day and a night (no village raiding till start). So far here are the rules that I came up with.

1. Find a village and make a wall around it for your main village​
2. You may use the materials from buildings that don't have a door​
If a zombie breaks a door you must replace it you may not use​
the materials from the building.​
3. If you want a second village you may surround it with fence​
but it doesn't count towards you being conquered.​
4. If you want to use the materials from another village you​
have to move the villagers to one of your villages if any​
or just destroy it if it doesn't have any do to zombies​
5. If you make a portal to the neather it has to be outside your city​
do to the neather being dangerous but you can still build a building​
for it​
6. You may not use a jetpack to get into a city you have brake the walls​
or scale it using scaffolding.​
7. To start a war with another player you have to make a tent like building​
using wool.​
8. You may only use what you can carry on your person and​
in one or two bags counting your tent materials​
9. Lasers can be used to breach walls but only on explosive​
and no battery packs just the regular charge​
10. When under a seige you may not leave your town and​
no one is aloud to attack if a player isn't online​
because they have to be there to defend their city​
11. Thaumcraft unbreakable magical blocks are aloud to protect your​
supplies and nuclear reactors but don't count as buildings​
12. To defeat a player you must have damaged 50% of each of their buildings​
in their city during a seige.​
well any Ideas are welcome I just thought it was a good idea if not let me know and feedback on the rules also.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds cool enough, but superflat irks me. Also, everything would be made out of dirt unless you spawned in a bunch of stuff, or had really weird setups. Just force a superhuge plains biome instead, or something.

I've been thinking about something like FTB Dwarves vs Zombies myself...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well you can find gold and iron in chest's so making a ingenious extruder for infinite cobble so that was my thought their. Ya it irks me too but I thought it would help finding villages.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, just a Vanilla Cobble Generator lets you generate Cobble.

Just to spare everyone the effort, if you like, almost everything's renewable. Ignoring Mystcraft. There's a reason I put this in a spoiler, as it might be cleverer to try to figure it out yourself.

Village chests get you the raw materials to get started.

Wood: Saplings pop up in village chests.

Rubber: Rubber Saplings pop up in village chests.

Cobble: Cobble Generator/Igneous Extruder.

Iron: Iron Golems can be farmed via traps or combat.

Copper, Tin, Tungsten: Lava from the Nether in an Industrial Centrifuge. Later on, Netherrack or Cobble in a Magma Crucible are better sources of Lava.

Gold, Silver: Electrum from centrifuging Lava, a Macerator and another Centrifuge to process the Dust back into ... er ... Dust.

Redstone: Villager trading. Centrifuging Netherrack Dust and Glowstone Dust lets you get this stuff, too. I think there was also some other way I'm not remembering ATM.

Nikolite, Quartz, Marble, Basalt, Uranium, : No way AFAIK.

Coal: Wither Skeletons, you can also get the Dust from centrifuging Netherrack Dust.

Rubies: Dust from centrifuging Redstone, the other gems are also probably obtainable. And, if you can get an Implosion Compressor up and running, you can get legit Rubies.

A ton of stuff's renewable, albeit slowly, via Scrapboxes.

And, chances are, I'm forgetting stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Step 1. Locate village
Step 2. Place TNT
Step 3. sleep
Step 4. Think about your guilty conscience and trade nice thing to the villagers after removing said TNT.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also if you play with the ultimate pack it has neather ores but it agro's the zombie pigmen so I thought that helps with the challenge