[FIX] How To Fix No Mobs Spawning!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I spent a very large amount of time trying to trouble shoot this problem and I found a solution, and for the sake of admins every where I thought I'd share.

~What Is Happening?~

I Have discovered that Thaumcraft mobs have a nasty habit of getting stuck in limbo. My servers whole mob cap consisted of various Thaum mobs, most of which where wisps. This could also happen if you have any other mob related mod installed

~The Fix~

1. Go get BukkitForge I recommend this version for any 1.4.7 FTB (I specifically use ultimate) Click Me
2. Put BukkitForge in your core mods folder [It only needs to be on the server]
3. Start the server for BukkitForge can do the first time set up and file/folder creation
4. Go and get essentials for bukkit [this is the version I recommend --> click me]
5. Put essentials into the plugins folder that has been made by bukkit forge after the first time run.
6. Restart the server to get essentials loaded up
7. NOTE:: The entity IDs I use are the ones from Ultimate, I am not sure if they are the same for all versions. If you do not use ultimate you may want to check your Thaumcraft.cfg to confirm entity IDs for the mobs. If you know your entity IDs are the same and/or have checked to make sure start running the killall command.
/killall 206 [wisp]
/killall 205 [angry zombie]
/killall 210 [giant angry zombie]
/killall 212 [fire bat]
Remember the numbers after kill all are the entity IDs, if you have another mob related mod such as mo' creatures installed feel free to try the kill all on it's IDs.
8.Just to be safe run the killall for creepers, zombies, and all the other vanilla mobs [you can do those by name] but for me there was only 2 things killed that were vanilla the rest of the mob cap was filled out by the thaumic mobs.
9. Enjoy the fact that you have mobs again :)

Hope this helps some admins who are feeling frustrated


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
gr8..but for a while only..if the server restarts (automaticly every night) or all of us are offline the mobs stopped spawn again..its strange ..anyway i cannt delete the mobs everyday..another thing is that essential causes more problems than it solves..

I personally thing that mindcrack is a dead modpack without any update


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
gr8..but for a while only..if the server restarts (automaticly every night) or all of us are offline the mobs stopped spawn again..its strange ..anyway i cannt delete the mobs everyday..another thing is that essential causes more problems than it solves..

I personally thing that mindcrack is a dead modpack without any update

Well this was for ultimate ;) But yes people will stop using it very slowly. I actually discovered the issues was that there was a thuamcraft temple thing in spawn that kept spawning wisps. But I found the best way to keep it clean was the kill all command. Oddly enough eventually it seemed that the issue sorted itself out cause I haven't had to do a kill all in a long time. The best alternative I've found is to put the aura node spawning wisps in a lava box so it instantly kills them. But that fix doesn't work 100% either.

Sadly unless thuamcraft ads code to prevent it's wisp temple things from being in the world spawn the wisps making mobs go extinct will always be an issue when thuamcraft is present.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah i found that thread (how to eliminate wisps) as well 'cause i am solving this problem last few weeks (first i am trying to find some solution for this issue before setting a new thread).

Unfortunatelly i cannt just "delete" the world - we will loose a year! of realtime playing which is unacceptable.

Anyway i just downloaded our worl from ftp and i loaded it to mcedit and i am trying to localize some huge group of mobs i suppose the wisps (i found some thread with this idea which sounds good to me). Than i have to find solution how to eliminate them continuously or once forever (lava box, teslacoil, etc). As i said the killall command didnt work all the time. After restart of the server the problem is back.

Actually we use thaumcraft v3.0.3 (as mindcrack from ftb allows us on minecraft 1.4.7) and its not the "luckiest" version. I find out the v3.0.5b fix the problem with no-spawning mobs in non-vanilla bioms (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1585216-thaumcraft-305h-updated-172013/ - change log - spoiler: show).

Another thing: i didnt find out if moonworms are counted as the mobs or not (i use them everywhere as a lightsource, maybe hundreds of them).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it didnt work for me, the command,
I put the BukkitForge-1.4.7-257.jar into my Coremods and the Essentials.zip into my mods, yet when the server is running there is no command for /killall

Connor Gavitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a really old post, anyway. 1 don't use bukkit forge it is buggy and imo it is a broken mod. Get mcpc+ it is the spigot for forge. If you don't know what spigot is it boosts performance A LOT. To install mcpc

Download it, use it as your server jar. Move/delete/rename the current jar to something else then put mcpc in there and name it what the server jar was. (ftbserver.jar)

Then put essentials.zip in your plugins folder.

Start the server. Everything will work assuming mcpc is installed. (Note be sure bukkitforge is removed if you install mcpc)

If you want the buggy forge and lag or just really want the default server jar, don't use mcpc and go for bukkit forge. Just move essentials.zip to the plugins folder and restart.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok It working,except I still don't have to /killall command, does essentials need to be unziped? (i have the /tp, /tpx, and other ones like that, the /? list did change and i like how it looks.)
also am I able to throw more plugins in and it wont negatively affect/damage the server right?)
( it also took its ram from 100% to 80% now :D, reason I left it at 100% and didnt increase it was because it was still running fine with any issues)

*edit, my server logs now have "(time/date) [Server] INFO list" every 20-40 seconds now and im not sure why
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Connor Gavitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All plugins must be a .jar so yes unzip essentials and put in what you want. Also if you can post your logs.