Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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I think it is because everyone is making tons of ages to find crystals and such. Maybe a way to buy symbols?
I think it's a minecraft/mojang issue, I tried to play some Trouble in Mineville (thinking it was an FTB or server issue) and it gave me an identical error.
Yes, the issue is Mojangs servers. We have to wait for them to fix that.
Check to see when it comes up.
According to twitter, someone is DDoSing their servers. Check dinnerbones twitter where he retweeted about it.
Username: stephenseiber
Age: 22
Previous OP/Mod Experience: IC2, build craft, forestry,
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? no experience
How well do you know linux? I have used it.
Other information: i am a very hard worker and would work my butt off for the server

Username: Mudrat12
Age: 14
Previous OP/Mod Experience: None really but I try to help enforce the rules to people
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Not much
How well do you know linux? I use windows :(
Other information: I enjoy playing mod with people and enjoy the aspect of "teamwork"
Username: ZealousGamer
Previous OP/Mod Experience: I was OP on a vanilla server that one of my friends had and I set-up a modded server of my own to play on so I know how to troubleshoot server problems. As for experience with mods, I've been using mods on minecraft since the early versions of IC and BC. I've also been watching Direwolf20's videos since season 1 and that has helped learn the technical type mods pretty well.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Limited MySQL experience. I have a fair amount of Java, HTML, JavaScript and CSS knowledge and I'm studying them in university so that knowledge and experience will start to increase pretty quickly.
How well do you know linux? Not as well as I would like but enough to get by looking after a linux server.
Other information: I've been looking for a server to play on for a while since my friends got bored of vanilla minecraft and didn't want to learn mods. I would definitely get involved with any community projects if some where on the go. My time zone is GMT but I'm usually up at all hours. :)
Username: ZealousGamer
Previous OP/Mod Experience: I was OP on a vanilla server that one of my friends had and I set-up a modded server of my own to play on so I know how to troubleshoot server problems. As for experience with mods, I've been using mods on minecraft since the early versions of IC and BC. I've also been watching Direwolf20's videos since season 1 and that has helped learn the technical type mods pretty well.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Limited MySQL experience. I have a fair amount of Java, HTML, JavaScript and CSS knowledge and I'm studying them in university so that knowledge and experience will start to increase pretty quickly.
How well do you know linux? Not as well as I would like but enough to get by looking after a linux server.
Other information: I've been looking for a server to play on for a while since my friends got bored of vanilla minecraft and didn't want to learn mods. I would definitely get involved with any community projects if some where on the go. My time zone is GMT but I'm usually up at all hours. :)

Hey. I'm not white listed yet was hoping to get on asap and get situated before I have to go to uni.

According to the server, you were already whitelisted, but re-added to be sure. Are you sure you gave us the correct username? Case-Sensitive.
According to the server, you were already whitelisted, but re-added to be sure. Are you sure you gave us the correct username? Case-Sensitive.

Well just to be sure. My user name is: ZealousGamer
Are you adding me to the white list from within the game or from with out? If it's not from within minecraft you need to issue the /whitelist reload command