Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
That's right folks, the Rumors are true. The Highest viewed/replied server in the Direwolf20 section..IS BACK.

We are still getting a base town going. Shoot me a PM if you are interested in helping out with the infrastructure.

ORLY? PM me back!
Username: Charredgp
Age: 19
Previous OP/Mod Experience: Been mostly messing around in single player, and have moderate proficiency in most 1.5.2 compatible mods.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Very slight. I'm currently learning Java at my college as part of my degree.
How well do you know linux? None.
Other information: First FTB server, but I'm friendly and willing to help anyone who needs it if I can.
Username: lupton4
Age: 19
Previous OP/Mod Experience: I was an owner of a small modded server but had to shut down because of lack of money. i also was a moderator of a vanilla server along time ago but sadly they to also shut down
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? I don't have any skills in any of these but im trying to learn how to code correctly
How well do you know linux? I don't have any knowledge of this
Other information: i might not have any knowledge of the things listed above but i do have experience in moderating and a little bit of coding. I'm also find ways to make building huge stuctures more fun
That's right folks, the Rumors are true. The Highest viewed/replied server in the Direwolf20 section..IS BACK.

We are still getting a base town going. Shoot me a PM if you are interested in helping out with the infrastructure.

I had to do some quick maint. Its back up

sent you a PM
ok guys we are up and running. Get on the forums, and PM me, and Ill give you the client.
Everything is down, until I can figure out the DB who is ddos/using me as a spam relay
In-Game Username: XxTruexxGloryxX
Age: 20
What is your Timezone?: PST
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: YES
If Yes, why?: Duping items when admins were spawning in items for themselves, server was gonna be reset in a day, but still banned me.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 4hrs a day, ill play as much as i can
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:Yes
FTB Experience?: Yes
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Of Course

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: To continue playing with friends and have fun like always

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: To have fun

What will you be bringing to our server?: My manners lol. But as well as support with anything that needs to be done

Other information you would like to add about yourself: i am Caucasian(;

Any questions you would like to ask: What would you do for a Klondike bar? ^-^
In-Game Username: miguelseara1
Age: 28
What is your Timezone?: 0h00 gmt
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 5 to 10h
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: a lot
FTB Experience?: a lot
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: huge mod pack

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: i play the major mods from the FTB long before there was FTB packs so i know my way...

What will you be bringing to our server?: Im 28 so you can expect a mature and a experienced player. Ive been playing minecraft for long now and i currentely play on two different servers but they are not FTB.

Other information you would like to add about yourself:

Any questions you would like to ask:
In-Game Username: DiamondKing489
Age: 13
What is your Timezone?: GMT+8:00
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:Nope.
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Minimal of 4 hours a week (Studying)
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: A lot
FTB Experience?: More than a lot
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Huge modpack and less grief.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I'm a mod pro and all the major mods that FTB has so I can go on.

What will you be bringing to our server?: Even though I'm young I don't complaing and lots of things. I am kind and respectful.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Nothing else

Any questions you would like to ask: Nothing.
Opening up to a few more users at a time. Applications will be considered AFTER this post. No need to duplicated applications on our forums, just one is fine.
In-Game Username: Malexion
Age: 21
What is your Timezone?: CST (GMT )
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): per day 5-10 hours, 5-7 days a week
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Since Alpha, been building castles and dungeons
FTB Experience?: Started FTB 4 months ago
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes indeed

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: To enjoy a wide variety of mods all with the community white-listed servers tend to build

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Hopefully new build ideas to use in the future.

What will you be bringing to our server?: A wealth of knowledge and design. I love to create towns, dungeons and large scale public structures from survival.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I love any mod dealing with magic.

Any questions you would like to ask: Is there an overlying goal or theme to the server?
In-Game Username: KingGongora
Age: 23
What is your Timezone?: -5 EST
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?: N/A
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 6 hours a day+ mostly everyday
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: about a year on Factions server
FTB Experience?: A few months now and fairly good at stuff but still learning :p
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes I do
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes I do and read them

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I have been struggling to find a good community to play with that also has a server that does not lag so baddly =/

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: A good community to talk and play with

What will you be bringing to our server?: A mature and fun player to talk with and I am very good at appearance building, I am certain I have some cool stuff to share with people

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Full time working, cant get enough of FTB :p

Any questions you would like to ask: I am sure some will come to me later xD!
In-Game Username: dakamojo
Age: 42
What is your Timezone?: Central. Located in Texas
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Usually about three hours a day during the week and more on weekends.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I have been playing vanilla Minecraft since the early beta days.
FTB Experience?: I have been playing FTB since the FTB Hardcore challenge map.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I'm looking for a new server, specifically one that continues to update the mods.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Entertainment while playing Minecraft with a group of friendly players.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I like to work in a cooperative mode, building my own base but sharing resources with my friends around me. I am not a hermit type of builder. I also like to work on community projects.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I am knowledgable about using custom mod packs. I use MultiMC. I also manage my own custom mod pack for SSP.

Any questions you would like to ask:

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Not really. I have run a private server for friends that didn't require much management.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? I am an Android developer by trade. I am very experienced with MySql, Java, and HTML
How well do you know linux? I am a Mac user so I work with unix-like OS. It's closer to BSD. I manage a Mac build server and do a fair amount of scripting in bash.