Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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Username: SlothEruption
Years playing Minecraft?: 2
Java, or HTML experience?: I can do basic HTML and Java
Other information: Love FTB, it is going to replace Tekkit eventually I know that because it has better mods including the ones Tekkit already has. I am good with Red Power Computers but I never really play with Computer Craft. Lastly I'm good at combining all the base mods like industrial craft and red power to create nice machines.
Username: MiigPT
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? Nearly 1 year I would say
Java, or HTML experience? I know a good amount of Java, but I stopped coding HTML since I moved into Python. ( still know the basics )
Other information: Looking for a good and fun server where I can play with friendly people :)
Username: Optimel
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? don't now but it was Beta 1.5
Java, or HTML experience? I dont have anny experience in Java, I know a just a little bit of HTML
Other information: Not really, I hope that you'll accept me ;)
Username: Wisdoms
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? Pre-Alpha, Cost me 2 Euros :), late 2009 I believe?
Java, or HTML experience? I have played Angry birds- Aka, None.
Other information: The servers pack is exactly what I am looking for, I love the access and availability of the mods presented- and do not understand ExtraBees anyway, which is perfect because it is removed. My only request is knowing if the server will have fighu's commands or Treecapitator- I am a non-abusive player that just wants to create. I enjoy artistic ways of building exotic creations and buildings. I enjoy the weird and out of norm- with an absolute acceptance of all players. I am against racism, but encourage acceptance as a person and enjoy life as if it didn't exist to hurt- but more as a pun for fun.
I moved from Tekkit servers about 7 months ago, and joined the FTB community about 2(going on 3) months ago- and have enjoyed it ever since.

I have never been banned from any server- other than my personal abandonment of servers that are poorly managed(Not technically a ban, just want you to know I have been looking for a good server for a long time...)
But... I may be banned from a server because I left a server and the owner has Aspergers ==;;(And he isn't updating to any modpack until Jan 7th). We kid with him, but I got a feeling he will be mad/sad/banhammer-happy to click the punish button if he finds out I applied to another server ._.

1 last thing; I really like to use online communications, does this server have a Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Active Skype conferences?

#Hopes to see this server soon~

SS. Tyler
cant log if because of soul shardsnot being 1.15...please update to latest version? 1.16
Ok, it was released, about an hour after they released 1.15, I'm attentive, but not THAT attentive. Its done now.
Username: ThaSiouLouS​
Age: 19​
Years playing Minecraft? 1,5 (since shortly after it became beta)​
Java, or HTML experience? I know what I'm doing and how to approach things if I dont.​
Other information: I'm mostly playing on weekends and I try to answer questions in the chat if someone asks and I know that I am right.​
Username: shadowquinn1974
Age: 38
Years playing Minecraft? 3 months
Java, or HTML experience?very little
Other information: Just looking for a good home with fun players that enjoy talking and building, I love to help other out when I can.
Username: Wisdoms
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? Pre-Alpha, Cost me 2 Euros :), late 2009 I believe?
Java, or HTML experience? I have played Angry birds- Aka, None.
Other information: The servers pack is exactly what I am looking for, I love the access and availability of the mods presented- and do not understand ExtraBees anyway, which is perfect because it is removed. My only request is knowing if the server will have fighu's commands or Treecapitator- I am a non-abusive player that just wants to create. I enjoy artistic ways of building exotic creations and buildings. I enjoy the weird and out of norm- with an absolute acceptance of all players. I am against racism, but encourage acceptance as a person and enjoy life as if it didn't exist to hurt- but more as a pun for fun.
I moved from Tekkit servers about 7 months ago, and joined the FTB community about 2(going on 3) months ago- and have enjoyed it ever since.

I have never been banned from any server- other than my personal abandonment of servers that are poorly managed(Not technically a ban, just want you to know I have been looking for a good server for a long time...)
But... I may be banned from a server because I left a server and the owner has Aspergers ==;;(And he isn't updating to any modpack until Jan 7th). We kid with him, but I got a feeling he will be mad/sad/banhammer-happy to click the punish button if he finds out I applied to another server ._.

1 last thing; I really like to use online communications, does this server have a Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Active Skype conferences?

#Hopes to see this server soon~

SS. Tyler
I'll whitelist for another friend:

IGN: Mumspojken
Age: 17
Username: lowlifekeyboard
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? since an early alpha patch, but didn't seriously start playing until about a year and a half ago ~beta 1.4
Java, or HTML experience? I've done a bit with it, but remember next to nothing
Other information: Really just trying to find a fun server to play on and learn the mod pack a bit better, It isnt fun playing alone.
Username: lowlifekeyboard
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? since an early alpha patch, but didn't seriously start playing until about a year and a half ago ~beta 1.4
Java, or HTML experience? I've done a bit with it, but remember next to nothing
Other information: Really just trying to find a fun server to play on and learn the mod pack a bit better, It isnt fun playing alone.
Username: TorrentialFire
(same as forum)
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? 1 Beta 1.4 and Survival got me hooked.
Java, or HTML experience? Programming experience in general, C and some HTML; although, tags never really were my thing.
Other information: Want to find some cool chilled out people to play this awesome mod-pack with. :D
Username: NicoTheUnique
Years playing Minecraft? Since december 2009
Java, or HTML experience? I have some mysql and html coding classes behine me....dont know that much
Other information: I'm looking for a good community driven server to build on, have some fun and get some new friends...I'm no pro builder, but a quick learner...i love FTB, and think of it as a good oppertunity....
Username: NicoTheUnique
Years playing Minecraft? Since december 2009
Java, or HTML experience? I have some mysql and html coding classes behine me....dont know that much
Other information: I'm looking for a good community driven server to build on, have some fun and get some new friends...I'm no pro builder, but a quick learner...i love FTB, and think of it as a good oppertunity....
Username: TorrentialFire
(same as forum)
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? 1 Beta 1.4 and Survival got me hooked.
Java, or HTML experience? Programming experience in general, C and some HTML; although, tags never really were my thing.
Other information: Want to find some cool chilled out people to play this awesome mod-pack with. :D
Username: Omgitsbenn1
Age: 14
Previous OP/Mod Experience: I have been Admin before, mainly on my friend's server. Aswell as Admin I have been Mod a few times.
Years playing Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft ever since Alpha. (From the influence of "X" and Seananners)
Java, or HTML experience? Sadly, I hardly know anything.
Other information: I may seem young, however I can guarantee you that I'm mature. :). Ever since BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft came out I was really interested in those mods.
Username: simik_ru
Age: 30
Years playing Minecraft? Half a year of vanilla, tekkit and terrafirmacraft
Java, or HTML experience? Web programmer by trade, pretty proficient with HTML (and CSS), dabbled in Java a little in the olden days.
Username: simik_ru
Age: 30
Years playing Minecraft? Half a year of vanilla, tekkit and terrafirmacraft
Java, or HTML experience? Web programmer by trade, pretty proficient with HTML (and CSS), dabbled in Java a little in the olden days.
Username: Aceofrogues
Age: 18
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Java, or HTML experience? I have no experience in Jave or HTML, but i have an ok understanding of LUA
Other information: I have never been banned before, and i consider myself a mature person. I know alot about the mods and i don't mind sharing my knowledge.
Age: 18
Previous OP/Mod experience: I've played quite a bit of Tekkit and simply mods for Minecraft vanilla.
MySQL, Java or HTML experience: Really not that much. i do have a bit of experience with Java and HTML
How well do you know Linux: I used Linux on my pc for some time, so i know the interface at least :)
Other information: I have never been banned and talk decent to other players. So im no trouble
Username: earling
Age: 37
Years playing Minecraft? since Alpha
Experiance with mods.. I have played technic in version 1.0 And have played Mods always since. I have followed DW20 and installed the mods he uses. And i customize my own mod packs with MultiMC
Java, or HTML experience? Little to none
Other information: I have a YouTube Channel with an on going Mods/ feed the beast Lets play
Hey bud idk how to do it but we need some sort of server auto restart thing to boot the server back up when it crashes
Username: Ultriix
Age: 31
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Java, or HTML experience? Both + PHP, CSS etc. I'm getting into freelance web dev / design at the moment.
Other information: I'm looking for a server with mature experienced players. Totally loving what ftb has brought together.