Feed the German|FTB-Beta-A|Whitelist|Teamspeak

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server is full. No more whitelist application until further notice.
About Server(Hardware, Location):
Server is located in Germany (Frankfurt am Main).​
Its a vServer and got 4 Gig ram (only 3 allocated),​
running on a SSD and got a 1000MBit/s Uplink.​
All in all i think thats plenty for 15 Players, but allways adjustable as it goes.​
There are daily backups at around 5 am in the morning (MEZ)​
General Stuff:
Feed the German aims to be rather small, mature, mostly german comunity,​
that have fun playing FTB and maybe other games too.​
The main language spoken on chat/irc/teamspeak​
may change as different People get on.​
The Server is on Hard difficulty and currently just a preview/whitelist gathering to when FTB gets updated,​
as slowpoke mentioned it could be saturday.​
There will be Map-Rotation for the Nether as well as a public mining age, in a two week cycle.​
(Announced on Forum)​
1. Follow the instructions of the Staff​
2. No Griefing, bullying, stealing, ...​
3. No lanscape rape (1x1 Tower, 64x64 Quarry holes)​
4. No begging for items or op​
5. Mystcraft Ages/Descriptive books are only obtained through an Admin/Mod​
Changes to Mods (so far):
- made Descriptive books uncraftable (request on Forum for an age)​
- disabled anchors instead use chickenchunks(more overview and limitation to 30 chunks/player)
Due to some Chunk Resetting reenabled Anchors limitation is now 3 anchors per player
- HTTP for ComputerCraft enabled (abusing = ban)​
- changed the way backpack refills serverside
- Enabled easy Storage Block crafting and uncrafting​
- IC2 Quantum Helmet Hunger refill disabled (you'll need food)​
- Halved Matterfabricator time to produce 1 UU (still takes more time than old MassFab)​
- Disable hiding of IC2 secret Recipes in NEI​
- Disabled Nukes​
- Filler destroy blocks completely​
- Allowed Lapotron crystal in miner​
- disabled GregTech TinCell nerf​
Added Mods (so far):
- Mystcraft​
- Currently running on FTB mindcrack v6​
Server Ip / Forum:
Server IP:​
Teamspeak3 IP:
Forum (in construction): feed-the-german.forumieren.eu
Whitelist Application:
Age (You should be at least 15)​
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ?​
Why do you want to join this server?​
Do you have any bans yet?​
When yes explain why.​
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)​
Anything you want to tell me :)
If there is anything you want to talk to me, feel free to join me on Teamspeak, even if u dont have a microphone.​
Ingame-Name: megadestroyer
Age (You should be at least 15): 12(1 month from being 13 really mature)(I run the lighting for my school plays)
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ? : i've been playing minecraft since 1.2 alpha and mods from 1.3 beta. Tekkit from since the yogscast showed it. ftb: I watching the release stream and set up a server/ started playing straight away.
Why do you want to join this server? I've been looking around for a nice whitelist server that doesn't care about my age and that has a nice community.
Do you have any bans yet? no
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :)
Please let me in I haven't been let in to other servers when my friends have (they are mostly 1 or 2 years older then me and think I'm mature)
Ingame-Name: zyphar
Age (You should be at least 15): 18
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ? I started playing Minecraft in Alpha and have played it on and off since then, i used to play with mods like millenaire but otherwise i havent played much mods till FTB came out and i have played FTB a fair amount but am still learning the more complicated stuff.
Why do you want to join this server? I would like to join this server because it is whitelisted and i have been griefed in a lot of the open servers. Also its a small server which means that you get to know everyone and in general its a much more friendly and pleasant atmousphere.
Do you have any bans yet? none so far
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :) I am 18 and have left school, generally play a couple of hours a day and always willing to help others. I am from the UK so i only speak english but im sure ill pick up a bit of german along the way :D Currently i am trying to learn the LUA so i can write programs for turtles and computercraft items.
Ingame-Name: MrKnightmare
Age (You should be at least 15): 17
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ?: I started playing Minecraft around 2 and half years ago and I have got my moneys worth out the game, I have only recently discovered FeedTheBeast but I am familiar with a lot of the mods involved so I would like to join a server in which I can play them.
Why do you want to join this server?: I want to join because I am looking for a nice whitelisted server where I can build/mine in peace and this seems perfect, although I am not German and my understanding of the German language is very basic I hope to get along with the people I meet.
Do you have any bans yet?: I do not have any bans.
When yes explain why: N/A
IGN: Schneemon
Age: 21
Played minecraft since late alpha, with mods for around 3 years, starting with IC and BC, later on RP and the other sutff.
Would like to join due to me being bored and on my own servers/sp always getting tempted to play creative (why does NEI make it that easy after all ...)
No bans thus far.
Otherwise, my strengths are technical, I am neither an aesthetic nor a coder.
(By the way, feed the german may be not the best name to choose, but your server, your rules)
IGN: Schneemon
Would like to join due to me being bored and on my own servers/sp alweis getting tempted to play creative (why does NEI make it that easy after all ...)

i know right, i cant play single player beacuse i end up cheating when im rly annoyed/bored then my whole survival aspect is riuned
  • Like
Reactions: megadestroyer
Ingame-Name: Zeblazespartan
Age (You should be at least 15): 13
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ?: minecraft: indev mods:early 2011
Why do you want to join this server? So I can play FTB with my friends and I really enjoy server communities
Do you have any bans yet? No
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :)
He spent a bit more then 4 days just playing ftb and tekkit
My friend has a problem with his account so I copied what he put in skype.
Ingame-Name geva_ma
Age (You should be at least 15) 33
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ? think i started in Beta 1.7.3 with minecraft and play with mods like BTW, RP, IC2, etc. my SSP world has atm 70 aktiv mods.
Why do you want to join this server?
- Tested 1 open German Vanilla Server and it was a pain......
- Looking for an whitlisted Server where the overworld will not be destroyed from Quarry's.
- I'm from Germay so the general Stuff looks good for me.
- I like the idea with the rotating nether and mine world and the rule for "No lanscape rape (1x1 Tower, 64x64 Quarry holes)" at the overworld. Like to build my stuff in an aesthetic way.
Do you have any bans yet? No
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :)
Whitelist Application:


When did you start playing Minecraft and mods?
Minecraft long long time ago. I think 1.3 oder 1.4.
I play IC since 1.8.3 and played very many different mods.
Why do you want to join this server?
Singleplayer gets boring after a while and I want to chat with others.

Do you have any bans yet?

Anything you want to tell me
I don't speak perfect English, but enough to understand and Watch English Let's Plays and Movies. But overall, I prefer good old German.
I the case you want my Skype name, PM me ;)
Curious question:
why are applications in english for a german server?
how much do you use ingame chat vs. TS; I personally don't like TS (talking less than just listening but still not a fan of either). On some servers people still regularly use ingame chat even though there is TS and still read chat to answer if you just listen on TS or something
On some they don't, which kind is this?
Well a little update, i got some host-sided issues as mentioned in the OP.
It looks like i get less performance than i ordered, so there might be a decrease of player capacity.
But for now i'd like to get minimum of the german guys on it.
Soooo skype me (booomspeed) or come on teamspeak.

1. This is an english forum, with mostly english members, so i will make an english server thread. (common sense in my eyes)
2. Well in critical moments (like a dispute) ts is a must, cause u can hear the way the other person says it and the other person must answer quicker. Both interact in telling truth.
So its okay if you arent on ts 24/7, sometimes i like to hear music while gaming too...
Well good actually.
No seriously, this account is like 6 years old or something, i didnt saw a reason to change that and that with Kuba is just as old as that.

BTW: im doing configs now(you can still reach me on skype or ts), so server should be up soon.
I will update OP.

For now, Chre903, Geva79 are on whitelist.
Zyphar and MrKnightmare too, but on trial (Sorry for that), because as mentioned several times, currently there are host-sided issues to be resolved.
Vegoraptor, if you still want on the server i would like to talk to you again. To get the little dispute sorted out and stuff.
Same goes with megadestroyer and his friend, because your that young i would really like to talk to you both again.
In-game Name: wisdoms
Age (You should be at least 15): 20
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ? Pre-Alpha when it was 2 Euro, Started with YogBox
Why do you want to join this server? Config, Owner cooperation with community, Mindcrack.
Do you have any bans yet? No- But, possibly.
When yes explain why. Aspergers owner might ban me for joining another server -_-
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :)
This is a white-list application.
wisoms and his friend sertuin accepted through Teamspeak.

#Updated OP
Finished configs, Server is up.
Mystcraft comes later, when it comes official in mindcrack pack.
Ill take a nap now, see ya.
Ingame-Name: Keppper (yeah with 3p's because my the one with just 2 was already taken)
Age (You should be at least 15):19
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ?: Well I started playing Minecraft in the Early Alpha and when I started to using Mods i dont realy rember ;)
Why do you want to join this server?: Because I want to play on a German server and have fun building stuff and dont have everything restricted
Do you have any bans yet? No
Anything you want to tell me :) : Sure I have tryed to do the Application through Teamspeak past Saturday but i have never seen you there maybe we had bad timing thats why I am writing the App
Keppper accepted via this post and Teamspeak.
Was doing christmas stuff lately, but now im nearly full concentrated on the server.
Ingame-Name: Ratzfaz
Age (You should be at least 15) 3 * 2 - (in Forth)
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ? MC 1.6 first experience, since 1.7.1 almost only with mods
Why do you want to join this server? I am looking for a server of more than 50% is online
Do you have any bans yet? no
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me :)I hope this is a reliable server
Ratzfaz <--- CC Nerd
Ratzfaz <--- like RPC8 and FORTH