Server is full. No more whitelist application until further notice.
About Server(Hardware, Location):
Server is located in Germany (Frankfurt am Main).
Its a vServer and got 4 Gig ram (only 3 allocated),
running on a SSD and got a 1000MBit/s Uplink.
All in all i think thats plenty for 15 Players, but allways adjustable as it goes.
There are daily backups at around 5 am in the morning (MEZ)
General Stuff:
Feed the German aims to be rather small, mature, mostly german comunity,
that have fun playing FTB and maybe other games too.
The main language spoken on chat/irc/teamspeak
may change as different People get on.
The Server is on Hard difficulty and currently just a preview/whitelist gathering to when FTB gets updated,
as slowpoke mentioned it could be saturday.
There will be Map-Rotation for the Nether as well as a public mining age, in a two week cycle.
(Announced on Forum)
1. Follow the instructions of the Staff
2. No Griefing, bullying, stealing, ...
3. No lanscape rape (1x1 Tower, 64x64 Quarry holes)
4. No begging for items or op
5. Mystcraft Ages/Descriptive books are only obtained through an Admin/Mod
Changes to Mods (so far):
- made Descriptive books uncraftable (request on Forum for an age)
Due to some Chunk Resetting reenabled Anchors limitation is now 3 anchors per player
- HTTP for ComputerCraft enabled (abusing = ban)
- changed the way backpack refills serverside- Enabled easy Storage Block crafting and uncrafting
- IC2 Quantum Helmet Hunger refill disabled (you'll need food)
- Halved Matterfabricator time to produce 1 UU (still takes more time than old MassFab)
- Disable hiding of IC2 secret Recipes in NEI
- Disabled Nukes
- Filler destroy blocks completely
- Allowed Lapotron crystal in miner
- disabled GregTech TinCell nerf
Added Mods (so far):
- Mystcraft
- Currently running on FTB mindcrack v6
Server Ip / Forum:
Server IP:
Teamspeak3 IP:
Forum (in construction): feed-the-german.forumieren.eu
Whitelist Application:
Age (You should be at least 15)
When did you start playing minecraft and mods ?
Why do you want to join this server?
Do you have any bans yet?
When yes explain why.
(I'm not that strict, stuff happens, as long as u can clearly explain why)
Anything you want to tell me

If there is anything you want to talk to me, feel free to join me on Teamspeak, even if u dont have a microphone.