Open Server Feed The Community | DW20 1.7.10 | v.1.0.3 | Open | GriefPrevention | 24/7 | Mumble | NEW MAP

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
I agree with Philip_100. This server has the coolest people. Staff are very welcoming and friendly and work their butts off to make things run smooth. Christmas Presents every day?!?! A free player shop system to sell your items and buy things you need...Plus they server admins are tireless in keeping it to virtually no lag?
The diamond block promotion is still available. Leave your in-game-name here and start your adventure with a special item <3
Is this server sill open or has it closed?
I have been trying now (on and off) for a few hours to join and give it a try but it is offline?
It is open :) You need to select the 1.0.1 version of Direwolf to connect. The ip is
There have been a few problems yesterday, everything should be fixed. The diamond promotion is also still available.
If you still have problems connecting, please leave a post or join our mumble :) The website link is
We're looking forward to meeting you!
Christmas presents are still available! Come join us and get free presents, or join us on our madpack2 server! =)
We're giving away Christmas Gifts per hour on our Madpack2 Server today. Just type /kit gift every hour to redeem your presents!
why are you advertising a mad pack server on a dw20 thread?
also i notice the same 2 people posting here...must be a booooming server when noone even wants to bump a thread
I would have to say this server is one of the best server out there, we also are verry nice people.

The staff-
alway's help new people alway's making the server much much better and Really there *Great Friend's* i would say join this server.

The new modpacks are so awesome, server always runs smoooooooth :)

Staff is the very best (I wanna be the very best that no one ever was, Pokemon!)
Server is damn near localhost good. Enjoying my limited time on it. Just here to give the thread a bump, encouraging new players.
Great server as i post again.
Lagg free'
great peaple.
Great staff.
and the last one'
Great community.
This is recently reset map, and loads of fun. Players can build their own shops, there's a ton of starter packs available for people who want to hit the ground running, and you get prizes for voting (claim blocks, game $$, solar panels). FTC also has an event every saturday. Awesome community of laid back, friendly people.
been with ftc since the beginning, great bunch of people, multiple servers, weekly player events, player owned shops and lots of useful starter packs for purchase on our website.. I honestly couldnt imagine playing on any other server! :)