Open Server Feed The Community | DW20 1.7.10 | v.1.0.3 | Open | GriefPrevention | 24/7 | Mumble | NEW MAP

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
The Server is very stable and full of great people, if you are looking to play dw20 1.7.10 with no hassle or interuptions and want to be able to talk to a bunch of great people then this is the server for you :IGN: ScubaSteveTM
The server was having problems with timeout issues. It only took 1 day and a few hours for them to figure out the problem. It's now fixed and more stable than before. I would suggest this server to anyone who is looking for a friendly community and very little banned items. They are always trying to find a way to improve game play and fix in-game problems, it's great here.
Best server, great admin and mods, cool mumble chat and NO LAG EVER!! boooyaaa love this server
I love the christmas event :)
you should sign up for the christmas event on our forum, so you can get the gifts :)
Come for the game, stay for the community. This server is truly the best FTB server out there, and even if I don't feel like playing Minecraft, I come back for the people. The staff manages the server very well and keeps it relatively lag free with few banned items and many happy people.