Whitelist Server Feed the Beavis RPG | RPG Immersion Pack 1.01 |Mature (18+) | Whitelist | Plugins | 20 Slot

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Alex
IGN: maniaman16
Age: 16
Location: USA (PA)
Previous Bans: none
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: nope
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for several years. I recently started doing the FTB modpacks like mindcrack. Yesterday I tried DivineRPG and liked it so I'm trying to find a server now.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Meness


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Josh
IGN: Hakdor
Age: 16 but turning 17 in 11 days
Location: USA (PA)
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) I have none.
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: I have both
Tell us about yourself: Turning 17 soon, I attend online college and will have an associates degree when i am supposed to graduate 12 grade. Have been playing online games for a bit. Ran a successful guild in World of Warcraft, was in two of the more successful and mature clans in World of Tanks(left one because it fell from dominance and the other due to me not wanting to play). Been playing Minecraft or 2 years. However I have little experience with this mod pack, I like to play on servers rather than singleplayer, So I'll be learning with everyone.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Friendliness, don't mind helping people out if I'm not busy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Charlotte (Yes I'm a girl :p)
IGN: gameman
Age: 17 (In july 18 years, though mature)
Location: I'm Dutch, so Holland.
Previous Bans: No.
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Used to, Teamspeak is okay, but won't talk (Bad previous experiences).
Tell us about yourself: I'm born in Holland, grew up here and I'm still here. At the moment I'm pregnant. I live together with my boyfriend and have a job as teacher (kids from 4/5 years old). I've been playing minecraft for about 3.5 years now (Since december 2009 :3), started before indev. Got into mods when tekkit became quite big. Came to Ftb, played a lot of it and getting quite bored of the direwolf20 pack (Wich I'm playing now). I decided to do something new and here I am =). I'm new to divine rpg, I've watched videos and streams (SOTMead, Slowpoke and NearbyGamer) to learn the basics. I like the style of being a "Noob" to something. And I'm hoping to be learning on your server! I'll ask a few questions, though I'll have the wiki opened at all times if I need to know anything.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I'm a decent builder, very experienced (vanilla) minecrafter :3, someone you can chat with. I love doing projects with others, I think I'm a decent leader and I love helping out the community!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: sir_stedin
Age: 15 nearly 16 i fill mature for my age yes im stii at school but i do voulnter work at my local riding stable and get treated like a adult
Where are you From?: england
why do you want to join us?: I'm looking for a nice server i want to build impressive things i want to make a farm useing forestry and make it like the farm of the server. and starting to hate single player
How much do you play?: I try to play every day because if school and voulnter work and horse rideing i dont all ways get time.
Favorite mod?: forestry, i looked greatly into it. i all so know everything about IC2 and BC
Email- [email protected]
tell us about ur self?: i love horses and they amke me truely happy. also love farming and grew up in farming communtie i play minecraft 30 mins a day at least


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): David
IGN: xXFriXonXx
Age: 18
Location: Tennessee, US
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) Twice, Once by a server run by kids who perma-banned people if they didn't Yogscast related skins. The other was my first server since buying Minecraft 2 years ago where I apparently said something wrong that was automatically ban-able, can't imagine what, was only on the server for an hour..
Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak: Mic, yes. TeamSpeak, no (I have Skype if that works.)
Tell us about yourself: I am an 18 year old guy born and raised in Tennessee. I've always enjoyed playing Minecraft and I enjoy helping people on servers. I am usually a nice person and hate grammatical errors and when people talk like they're 6. I've been looking for an RPG Immerion server for a while now after the server I initially was playing on became unbearable to play because of the block-lag and the fact they had turned vanilla mob spawns off. Oddly enough I enjoy playing Vanilla and Modded Minecraft versions. But I do hope my friend and I get on the server because there are not many RPG Immersion Servers around. =)
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I am a helpful person and I try to help as much as I can, Although I am what you can call a "Merchant", if you want, when it comes to trading I'm usually reasonably fair. I am a dedicated player when it comes to finding a server because I personally hate being 'server-less' because I do enjoy talking to people.
Thank you for reading!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Like20Bunnies
Age: 21
Location: USA
Bans: Yes, Due to Personal problems with the owner irl, and once for plugin mess up(the plots plugin assigned me a plot that was already assigned to another player and it was seen as griefing even when I proved the error)
Team Speak: No Mic: Yes (I have Skype If that helps)
Tell us about yourself: I am searching for a server that has a close-nit community of nice people. I hate to play alone, when I can avoid it.
What I can bring: I can bring someone willing to help anyone that needs it and that wants to play the game with friends.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I just paid 2 dollar for the site, now it still says it's innactive (I'm annonymous, it didn't log me in :/)
Also can't join server nor ts3

Edit: probarly needed to update a bit, works now!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Jp
IGN: telshak
Location: Canada
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) none
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes and no (used to vent, but i can always just DL TS if community is active on it =)).
Tell us about yourself: I started playing minecraft few months ago, Like yourself, i got bored out of vanilla, the 1.5 update hooked me up some more, but in the end, all the possible setup was done, so i just started on this modpack
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Certainly not experience with FTB! i am in my first days, however i am active and quite friendly, hoping to learn as i go and pass down to new guy as well!
See you soon hopefully =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Jason
IGN: DragonSlayer0011
Age: 21
Location: USA
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing FTB for awhile and am quite familiar with this pack.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I will probaly help build with some friends on the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional):
IGN: DrShark12
Age: 20
Location: Colorado
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them): No bans
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: no teamspeak sorry :p
Tell us about yourself: I have played this pack before, just hard to complete on my own. And I am really looking forward to meet new people.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: As much help as i can possible provide, fun, and maturity.
Hope to see you soon. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Donald Sargeant
IGN: Nanakisan
Age: 26
Location: Oregon-USA
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them): What am i? Some kind of twit that gets banned? in other words no.
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes and yes
Tell us about yourself: I'm a raving mad lunatic. No i'm actually a all around nice guy that just prefers to do as he pleases in peace.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I'm a bit of a builder by trade and like to work against self applied themes. 1 of my builds got a lot of praise long ago on the MC Sub-reddit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Becky
IGN: Midorichi
Age: 19
Location: Seattle, WA
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them)
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes, I do
Tell us about yourself: I'm a very outgoing person, I'm funny and cool to be around. What else to say.. Just kind of play with me and you'll get to know me more, haha.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I can bring in a fresh new face to the server.:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Cameron
IGN: cppowers
Age: 18
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them): No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: I do have both, yes.
Tell us about yourself:Well i got bored with the Ultimate pak and i've always wanted to play this Rpg Pack so that is why I am applying. I love minecraft, and sports.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: An awesome, funny person to play with that is just looking to have a good time online.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Jenny
IGN: Pandaswinn
Age: 19
Location: Finland
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: No
Tell us about yourself: I've been looking for a server to play RPG Immersion pack, cause it gets boring on SSP and a server is always better when it comes to having fun in minecraft, I rarely PvP on minecraft, cause the PvP system is so bad.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Myself as a great part of the community, I'm a friendly player.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional):Joey
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak:yes
Tell us about yourself:ive been looking for a good RPG server but the open servers dont seem to cut with getting griefed so im looking for a good whitelisted server.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted:my self and fun


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Thomas
IGN: Shadow_Azrael
Age: 17 (18 in 8 days)
Location: U.S.
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them): Yes. There were two occasions. Once, I dug under my house and found some kind of destroyed dungeon with some stuff inside. I picked it all up and brought it home after deciding that who ever left it there wasn't coming back. I later found out that I somehow managed to break into someones underground bunker and stole all of their stuff. I still feel pretty bad about that. The other time, I joined an open server to show my younger brother who was about 5 or 6 at the time how to play. I left him alone on the game for a while and when I came back, I found that he had destroyed a large area of a town for players. I was later banned from that server when people noticed what had happened.
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: No mic, sorry. I do have skype, but not many good experiences with people on it, so I try to avoid it most of the time. I could give it another go though, wouldn't hurt.
Tell us about yourself: I grew up in an air base in California. I'm not there anymore, but that will always be my home. I'm friendly, considerate and I like to be honest about things. I'm not that good at being the person to think of topics for a conversation to keep it going when one topic ended, but I've been told many times that it's really nice to talk to me. I love being part of a fun and friendly community, so I try my best to find and get into servers like this.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I don't mind helping out when someone asks and I try to be polite nearly all the time. I don't know much about these mods, but if someone seems to be having trouble with figuring something out, I'll still try my best to help them sort it out. I try to be a good friend to everyone I meet, all that's needed is a simple "hello". =D (pretty much, I can bring myself to the server. I hope that makes sense ;o.o)
Thanks for reading!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just wondering. I noticed that Beavis hasn't posted anything since April and the website looks to have been down for a while now if I'm not mistaken. Is the server still up?