Whitelist Server Feed the Beavis RPG | RPG Immersion Pack 1.01 |Mature (18+) | Whitelist | Plugins | 20 Slot

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, anybody feels like teaming up with me after you get whitelisted? Not too far into the game, but found a nice island and got the food situation figured out at least. Buddy would be a nice thing to have, or perhaps just a neighbour. Head south-east from the Spawn City (it's relatively close). Either PM me or send me in-game mail if you decide to come.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aded everyone to the list. Sorry it took so long. Internet was down at the hotel last lo night and I couldn't get to a wifi Hotspot to access the server. If you haven't joined the website yet don't forget to check it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: jack,reed
IGN: jackmanzoom
Age: 21
Location: Denver,co
Previous Bans: none
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: i do but do not like to talk and but if i have to i will
Tell us about yourself: Well i am a fun loving person that likes to build large monuments. A lot of people like what i do and help others get on there feat and welcome them to what ever server that i am on. then i get ideas from things around me to build cool things.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I can bring my self and the in brace to help others and make good looking buildings.

-Thank you for your time, sincerely Jack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Tautvili
IGN: coolkieto
Age: 17
Location: Lithuania, Europe
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes i have, but i don't prefer to talk with unknown persons.
Tell us about yourself: I'm mature player from Lithuania, who wants to play divine rpg with other people.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Um... Maybe i can help with this modpack, because i know some tricks in this mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Joe
IGN: Jkb87
Age: 26
Location: UK
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: i do have a mic and can get teamspeak however i do have trouble talking on a mic
Tell us about yourself: I'm an active player wanting to learn the ins and outs of Divine Rpg and would like to play with others rather than single player
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Hard work and dedication and always willing to help out and participate


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not to worried bout the mic Joe. I just don't like typing in chat so if you can join I can answer questions that way. Welcome to the server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had a blast last night beavis, thanks for letting us on. Sorry if all the murders scared folks at the beginning, we we're just resetting health. We'll be back :) and in greater numbers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Name (optional): Steve
2. IGN: trevorty
3. Age: 19
4. Location: USA WA
5. Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) yes i have been banned from only 1 server:​
Savage Realms - Admin said a question and we all sent in #'s and i sent one to many and got banned for an unintentional spam​
6. Do you have a mic and teamspeak: yes, but most likely wont use due to slow internet
7. Tell us about yourself: not much to talk about myself except i just want to play fair and fun on FTB
8. What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: i am friendly gamer (i dont grief or troll) and i just want to play multiplayer with others​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): James/Deor
Age: 38 (yeah old enough to know better)
Location: UK
Previous Bans: Nope
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I've been gaming for ages and love minecraft. I'm an IT Tech guy and i host a TS3 server and a Mindcrack server for a group of gaming friends, but currently most are taking a break from MC. Want to try this pack out so thought id apply to join up with some others!
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: Friendly and respectful gamer who enjoys gaming with others, looking to work as part of a team to get stuck in to this mod!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Brogan
IGN: 20brogan
Age: 19
Location: IL, USA
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing FTB for a couple months now and have been looking for a bigger challenge than the regular vanilla mobs and decided to try this pack out and it sure gave me a run for my money.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I have a good knowledge of this modpack and typically have a good attitude and don't rage very often unless someone is purposely being rude and won't stop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Daniel
IGN: dversluis
Age: 23
Location: UK
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I am a Australian guy living and working abroad currently living in the UK, love minecraft played FTB for quite some time and have run a few servers also.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I am not gonna lie I am not very good with this pack, but i guess i can bring a good sense of humor and some laughs at my failures. XD I am chilled and do not anger easy so at least i can be some decent company .



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional): Braeden
IGN: TheHungerGames20
Age: 19
Location: Illinois, USA
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) No
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing for FTB for awhile now and I have actually played Divine RPG before not on this mod pack so I know what to do.
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted: I'll help try and help people out and probaly will stay quiet and not rage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
accepted Braeden. Nice to have someone with some knowledge on the server. Hope your ready to help as most are still learning

Jerry Hedrick

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name (optional):Jerry
Location:Oklahoma, US
Previous Bans: (If yes reason for them) NO
Do you have a mic and teamspeak: yes, though i have to find it :p, I currently do not have teamspeak but i can and will get it
Tell us about yourself:I am network tech and i love minecraft and FTB. It is my addiction
What can you bring to the server if you are accepted:I have played Mincecraft, FTB minecrack, and FTB Direwolf pack. I am very knowledgeable with most of the mods. I am friendly and play alot, way more then i should. I currently have a personal server i setup for me and my kids. But i am looking for a server to play on that has more mature people that want to play.