Whitelist Server Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack, Great Community, 50 Slot Server

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IGN: MisbeeHaven
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 42 (can I be the old crotchety guy on the server?)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I am friendly in chat & helpful, I wouldn't say I'm "outgoing" but I do have my moments when I have fun in side chat, I sometimes get pretty wrapped up in projects and will be on for hours not saying anything though. Anyhow I see the server is full but I really would like a consideration for this server because you are an active admin and you seem to care if the community is active and having a good time. thanks for your consideration hope to see y'all soon as a spot is available.
IGN: MJohnny09
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 (17 in May)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Kind of quiet at first, but more outgoing once I get to know people
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Never been banned
Personality (Outgoing or Quite) Outgoing :)
IGN: Frankiejoh
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Yes, i was banned for placing an Enderportal frame without knowing it was a creative item only. Admin gave me the portal frame.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Im very quite when im building or working but i like talking to people and helping others. I build cool things and im very active.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):22
Ever been banned? If yes explain:I've never been banned from a minecraft server.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):Generally quiet around new people, for the most part stick to myself unless specifically asked or if someone is having a hard time and asking for assistance i'll help out.
IGN: Syclic
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 21
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Only played on 1 minecraft server and was a mod/admin for it. So no I haven't been banned.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Quiet most of the time, Outgoing sometimes when I'm bored or hit a block in design.
IGN: Leloleur
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: I've never been banned
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Pretty outgoing but quite when building.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):17
Ever been banned? If yes explain:No.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):Quite
IGN: fancy_donut
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: I've never been banned.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):Quite and usually keep to my
self and usually only talk with my friends over skype, but always
willing to help others if they ask for it.
IGN: Chargoth
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 36
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I guess I'm closer to quiet, but depends on the situation. I Like to listen a bit before I get involved, usually.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):16
Ever been banned? If yes explain:nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):i like to be a part of communitys and start my own, so kinda both outgoing and quiet*[ :) ]
IGN: blakewashere
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Quite. I usually keep to myself, build a little ways away from everyone..
IGN: srepmub
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Nope, always been a brave boy ;)
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I'm very Outgoing :I sometimes a bit crazy, but I like makin loads of stuff.
Like Villa's and Factory's things like that. Also i love talkin to ppl. Otherwise i feel so *( Lonely )* ;)
IGN: cppowers1
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 :D
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No i have never been banned thank god
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Oh, if super outgoing was an option, i would choose that. I love the social aspect of socializing and playing minecraft with other people. I barely ever play singleplayer. I have also yet to find a person that doesn't like to be around me on a server.
IGN: gijsschouw
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I have my quiet moments and I have my moments in which I tend to talk a lot.
IGN: BattleDonkey
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 19
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quiet): Outgoing and quiet at the same time, as weird as that sounds, lol. Sometimes I dont talk at all, and sometimes I talk too much, :D
IGN: darkranger002
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 30.
Ever been banned? If yes explain: nope, don't play multiplayer much.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): quiet type. likes to build things.
IGN: SheepsWool
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): mostly quiet
Well, im whitelisting all you guys, as i havent been checking on this post sorry for the latency. 3 people have been banned today, admitting theft and disrespecting admins the day before