Whitelist Server Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack, Great Community, 50 Slot Server

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IGN: DutchStealth
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Nope, not once!
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I like to spend most of the time on my own (so that would be quite), but whenever someone needs my help I will always try to help them.
IGN: Ashandle
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 18
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Nope
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Quite, playing alone most of the times, but i can help others when needed.
IGN: coolkieto
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 almost 17
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Im mature and outgoing person!
IGN: Gravitonxxx
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Not that I can remember.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): A mix of both(Depends if theres an intresting discussion or not). Im also usually friendly to everyone and everything (Exept Sheep) but if you piss me off you're gonna have a bad time (For that I mean REALLY making me über angry and people seem to be mostly friendly so that shouldnt really be a problem)
IGN: frogger35
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 years young ;)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: yes, awhile ago I was banned for being the buddy of a guy the admins thought was duping. They banned him outright without waiting for any explanation then waited a little after that to ban me. I fought them on the charge and they changed to griefing so that I couldn't fight it as I had accidently broken the spawn wall of the town I was in at the time. They used that little excuse to keep me off the server. Since then I have never had any problems with any other server out there.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I am Outgoing I like to play with a community. Share resources and build the biggest power facility/auto everything there is base
we had 17 people on at once today, server handled it, but barely, we will be upgrading, so fill free to still apply, you just might not be whitelisted for ahile