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IGN: Merendel Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 31 Ever been banned? If yes explain: Not that I'm aware of. Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Sort of middle of the road between those two options. I'm quite happy to interact and build with others but also content to just do my own thing at times. I have a fair bit of experience with most of the mods in the pack and like learning about the others as I have the time and inclination. Was introduced to this pack shortly before my last server closed down (formally direwolf pack) and am interested in joining another server running it.
Out of curiosity are there any mods/items disabled on this server? I know some servers dislike mods like EE3 or powersuits and even more understandably the uncontrolled creation of mystcraft ages.
IGN: Zumadawg Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 18 Ever been banned? If yes explain: yes, for "x-ray" (i got lucky while digging a strip mine tunnel, and didnt have enough torches to have found diamond legitimately, as the admin explained to me) Personality (Outgoing or Quite): extremely outgoing, work very well in colaboration with other players
You both have been whitelisted, in other news, JakeFire88 has been banned, for griefing, excessive foul language, and disrespect... He was on the server for a total of 10 minutes, No loss
IGN: tophloph Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 21 Ever been banned? If yes explain: not that I am aware of Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I can be a bit of both. I definitely can show excitement over a project I am working on, and will put aside anything I am doing to help another person.
IGN: Christmaskitty Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 19 Ever been banned? If yes explain: never been banned. Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Outgoing, down to do anything really. very happy person. not one to argue with people either
IGN:uihks Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):16 Ever been banned? If yes explain: I have never been banned. Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Pretty outgoing, although I sometimes like to keep to myself
IGN: Berzerker57 Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):22 Ever been banned? If yes explain: No Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I'm a pretty outgoing person I can be quiet at times if I am focusing on a project.
IGN: Emiloow Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 21 Ever been banned? If yes explain: No Personality (Outgoing or Quite): mix of both, when i get to know people i will be talking a lot.
IGN: themasterpotato Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17 Ever been banned? If yes explain: no Personality (Outgoing or Quiet): rather quiet but always happy to help other people.
IGN: PepsimaxL Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 15 ( i know 16 is required but i hope it dosent matter alot, Im mature and i don't care if people talk bad and such.) Ever been banned? If yes explain: Yes, i don't really count this as a ban but i was playing on my friends faction server ( a small private server) and Greifing is allowed in factions server as you know. well i griefed a faction's base and it turned out that a admin spawned in the items for the base. so i got ban for greifing a admin house. which is weird since greifing was allowed. and i dident know it was one, wasent any sign's or such. Personality (Outgoing or Quite): both, sometimes i just wanna chat and talk with other people. other times i just wanna get done with a project. Btw: im not a greifier, ill also join mumble somtimes