Whitelist Server Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack, Great Community, 50 Slot Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RaptorousCraft is a GRADE A+ ULTIMATE FTB server. Come and join us, Find out for yourself :)
You will need to go through and application, but belive me, its WELL wort it
Chunk Claiming
Forge Essentials

Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):
Ever been banned? If yes explain:
Personality (Outgoing or Quite):
NFOSERVER (HighQuality): 2Gbs Ram, 50 slots MAX, (If needed it will be upgraded)
ModPack: Ultimate v1.0.1

People Of Power:
DodgePro Owner
Lewinsai Owner
WinowMak3r Owner
Ethan623 OverSeer
IP SERVER: RaptorousCraft.game.nfoservers.com:25565
IP MUMBLE v1.2.3: RaptorousCraft.murmur.nfoservers.com PORT: 7720
Website: RaptorousCraft.enjin.com
No Griefing
No Disrespect
"Treat others, as you yourself, would like to be treated."
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 20
Ever been banned? If yes explain: not that i know of
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): mix of both can be quite at times but always willing to talk and all if i notice :D
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 20
Ever been banned? If yes explain: I was banned for finding diamonds right by a friends house when I first got on (it was my first server experience too).
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I'm usually on the quiet side, I have no qualms having a fun time with other people though. I just like to concentrate mining in huge caves.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 25
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Inbetween, i love the social aspect of multiplayer servers but sometimes like to go off do things on my own.
IGN: raggedreece
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 15 (but very mature)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: no
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): quiet unless there's a discussion or if i am happy with other players.
IGN: coljac
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16.5
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): Quiet, like to keep to myself most of the time. But I can be outgoing.
IGN: rodolpho97
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Never
Personality (Outgoing or Quiet): The balance between the two. Not too outgoing, nor quiet.
IGN: Ryan784
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 (Turn 17 in August)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: No
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I would consider myself outgoing - I'm not quiet or loud, but I tend to stick to either myself or one other person whom I'll usually Survive with; but don't mistake that for not being friendly! I am quite a friendly/helpful person, and love to give back to the community when it needs it.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16
Ever been banned? If yes explain: not been banned
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): outgoing
IGN: Legomike666
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 26
Ever been banned? If yes explain: no
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): quite
IGN: LowZaar
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17
Ever been banned? If yes explain:I was a griefer when i was younger
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I'm Quiet
I end up with a "Connection: Timed Out" error when I try to log in :(.
well i dont know what to tel you, i know that sounds horrible but no one else seems to be having issues, try again, and MineBoy2k12 you have lied on your app you are not whitelisted, but the other two people who posted :) youre whitelisted
IGN: Sanaradain
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 35
Ever been banned? If yes explain: no
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): outgoing and helpful
IGN: Jamiejams
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16 (17 in September)
Ever been banned? If yes explain: Yes, i was once banned for "abusing" my powers as a staff, also on another server for i reason i do not remember seeings as it was almost a year or 2 ago.
Personality (Outgoing or Quite): I would say I am outgoing. I enjoy working with others on complicated builds and I'm also interested in learning about mods I tend to not use from other players. I feel as though that is one of the only ways to totally grasp the concepts of the mods, therefore I try my best to interact with other players as often as possible.