Sorry for the voice. Was probably mine. My friend was beside me LAN, and didn't have a proper mic so my voice constantly bled into his microphone. 
Some errors in the map need to be worked. One major one we believe is the ore dictionary or config files. Crafting a certain item, revealed another mod item with the same name.
As for 'other pyramids', I am thinking of something different than a pyramid (to be revealed on a later date).
I am on holidays now, but when I get back, I'll be sure to get Feed The Beasts up somewhere soon!

Some errors in the map need to be worked. One major one we believe is the ore dictionary or config files. Crafting a certain item, revealed another mod item with the same name.
As for 'other pyramids', I am thinking of something different than a pyramid (to be revealed on a later date).
I am on holidays now, but when I get back, I'll be sure to get Feed The Beasts up somewhere soon!