Yeah same for me, he got me back into modded MC, and is the reason I found FTB, but once I got back into it and understood the new mods like TE, I really didn't need to watch his videos. They are too tutorial-style and slow for me.Used to watch dire's videos, but for some reason can't sit through five minutes of any of his new ones.
That is why I love his serverplay but dont like his SSPYeah same for me, he got me back into modded MC, and is the reason I found FTB, but once I got back into it and understood the new mods like TE, I really didn't need to watch his videos. They are too tutorial-style and slow for me.
That is why I love his serverplay but dont like his SSP
The only thing I hate about watching FTB Mindcrack, is that it makes me regret Highlands over BoP, then I watch FTB Hermitcraft and blame it on them!I've been enjoying adlintont's Magic World 2 SSP, though I wish he'd enable a minimap... it would mean significantly less "where was that node with (insert vis type)".
Mindcrack: vanilla & FTB both, I watch about 6 or 7 of them. This season of UHC has been fun with the mumble plugin.
Attack of the B-team: all the official server guys (especially ChimneySwift)
Ako the Builder
I have trouble watching DW20, I don't know why. I just can't keep interest. I do go back to him regularly for specific mod info.
That's probably because they are the B-TeamHalf of Mindcrack has gone off into the Tekkit pack "Attack of the B-Team"
Than you would enjoy You Always Win on YoutubeDW20, although not so much since he seems to take the exact same routes through his play through with every season
Ako, amazing base designs.
Stockoglaws and DerTebbers coop FTB, Both are learning and it reminds me of my first months using FTB.
KirinDave, helped me learn the mods in RR.
I don't like LP'ers that swear 'just because' or try to be obviously funny. Just let the humor come naturally and I will remember that and keep coming back to your videos.
Not all of them...That's probably because they are the B-Team