You, good sir, are a genius. I am definitely going to use this, just have to decide if I want to use frames to automate the process or not...Here is another idea. Get a fuel production setup that creates renewable mj fuel such as biofuel/ methane/ blaze rods/ lava. Dump these into solid/ liquid HP boiler. Run liquiduct pipes from the boiler to a liquid tesseract input. The liquid tesseract has no loss, unlike the energy tesseract. Connect the liquiduct pipes to as many sides of the tesseract to increase input. Make a second liquid tesseract for output. Place the output tesseract close to quarries. Run liquiduct pipes from output tesseract to 18 industrial steam engines. These industrial steam engines are connect to redstone energy conduit pipes, which connect to the quarries. Use redstone alloy wire system for switching engines on/ off.
1 HP boiler produces enough steam for 18 industrial steam engines. 18 industrial steam which each produce 8MJ apiece, is 144MJ. This will make one 6x64 quarry go really fast, even 4 6x64 quarries are fast with this, and its not so hard to set up another HP boiler power system if you want even more MJ.
However, have you tried placing the tesseract directly adjacent to the boiler?