Anybody knows what mod makes tilled soil get randomly un-tilled? Is there a config option for it? BTW my wheat farm is surrounded by fence, so mobs can't get in. I'm not jumping on it either.
Unconfirmed, but I believe it is blue slimes jumping up and down on the ground.
Is there water close enough?
What mod-pack, which version - if it's Ultimate 1.4.7 it's a known bug which is fixed in 1.5
Perhaps lighting? I know of one time I played vanilla, not lighting your farmland with wheat on it caused it to untile. Unless that's the known bug b0bst3r mentioned.
first stop anything from jumping on it
second make sure there is either water nearby or there is something growing on it
that takes care of the vanilla mechanics
I've witnessed the issue and it seems it's the blue slimers. Putting a fence around doesn't help as they can jump on top of the fence and get in. The only thing I've found that works is 2 fences stacked or a 2 block high wall.
Yes, I have water within 4 blocks of all the farmland. I am using a custom pack (1.5). It has lighting. And it has fences, so if the blue slimes can jump over 1 block high fences then that is probably the cause.
And fences are taller than 1 blockBlue slimes can indeed jump over fences.
Well at least their collision is.And fences are taller than 1 block
gotta be blue slimes, I had the exact same problem when blue slimes were just added.
it's very annoying to find a fix against it, the cheapest way is to just make bigger walls around you farms, and be sure there are no areas where they could spawn in
Could also add a TC3 Iron Golem and Wood Golem for extra fun ;-) That'll teach those slimes !