Farming in 1.10.2

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Okay guys, I'm trying to figure out something for 1.10.2

How do you actually set up an automated farm these days? What mods can be used to do so?

On a related note, what kind of mob farms are there at present for 1.10 and later versions of Minecraft? I have, for instance, seen very little of anything related to passive mob farms, am I missing out on a mod I should know about? I've also not seen much of a list for what mods include grinders that are designed to work with hostile mob farms in 1.10 and later versions.

Cheers ...

On a related note, what kind of mob farms are there at present for 1.10 and later versions of Minecraft? I have, for instance, seen very little of anything related to passive mob farms, am I missing out on a mod I should know about? I've also not seen much of a list for what mods include grinders that are designed to work with hostile mob farms in 1.10 and later versions.

Cheers ...

Progressive Automation has a Breeder that was decent last time I used it. Not amazing, for sure, but on a Pathfinder server a while back, I distinctly remember loading one up with a stack of wheat and a stack of ZTones mini-coal (too lazy to set up RF power... meh), and coming back to a whole bunch of cows that I promptly began beating with a hammer.

I didn't do a whole lot of automation in that pack. RFTools was massively buffed in that pack, so there really wasn't much need.

Like most folks, we would like to see some other alternative to Ender IO. It's a great mod, but there should be more options when it comes to farming.

Forestry Farms are doable, but either us olds have done them to death and never want to see one again, or just ignored because old mods are old...
Ender IO is in virtually every pack, due to it's versatility, but just like other mods, some get bored of setting up the same set up in every world.
Progressive Automation is a mod... that seems to need more work.. I've never used it due to always hearing how lackluster it is. I hope the mod maker is taking some constructive criticism and working to add/remove things that are/are not working.
Botania can autoplant/harvest tree farms, but due to the limitation of not being able to place the flower directly above a tilled soil block, it can't do "normal" farms. Now if you have some sort of farming dirt block that doesn't change back to dirt when covered by another block, this is possible, but clunky when it comes to timing/harvesting efficiently.

The OP does bring up a good point though. There are a lot of food mods, hunger mods, and cooking mods, but we are stuck with either old, over done, or highly inefficient mods to farm.

*wishes he could make mods* LOL
I recall setting up a massively overcomplicated Botania rig at some point that used a gazillion dispensers to plant seeds, to get around the difficulty of getting the Ranuncarpus to place stuff on tilled soil. Also necessitated using the mod's Corporea system, lots of Corporea Funnels all over the place, and quite a bit of clever redstone trickery, but it did work. Mostly. I think.

Then that instance fell victim to a weird texture-corrupting bug (the world's fine; all the items just kept turning into whitish boxes) and I sorta lost interest. My goal was to automate the kekimurus using nothing but vanilla and Botania mechanics. I got production of most of the ingredients working, but there were some bugs that I'm not sure I ever did figure out.
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Out of pure curiosity, Shneekey, why are you loathe to use EIO? It doesn't seem too different to MFR in terms of functionality.
Actually, it is extremely different in functionality, but that's rather beside the point. The point here is... well, EnderIO is the answer to EVERYTHING. It's just... do anything you want and get away from it. I'm trying to not rely on it as a crutch. You know, getting out of ruts and so forth.

Honestly, if the CoFH Suite would update, I'd get rid of EnderIO entirely. I'd be going with Thermal Dynamics for my item/power/liquid transportation, and Thermal Dynamics to make them with.

Thermal Dynamics was... amazing. It was the pinnacle of transportation, hearkening all the way back to the 1.2.5 days of RP2 Tubes vs BC Pipes debate, which soundly fell to RP2 Tubes as being strictly better, unless you used LP, in which case you used that for your auto-crafting, and Tubes for your sorting and everything else. It had a simple built-in logic, it didn't dump crap out into the world, it worked. TD was just like that. Only instead of machines that took up an entire block (i.e. Transposer, Filter, etc...), you had the Servos, Filters, and Retrievers which went on the ends of tubes to provide essentially the same functionality. It was elegant, powerful, aesthetically pleasing, and intuitive to build and execute.

MFR was kinda like that for farming. It's really not that difficult to farm wheat. You go out into the field, whack the wheat, replant, done. It's already a renewable resource, MFR just lets you automate it. Simple, clean, efficient. Done. Rather like what Forestry used to do before Multiblock crap, back when it was worth playing around with.
Thermal Dynamics was... amazing. It was the pinnacle of transportation, hearkening all the way back to the 1.2.5 days of RP2 Tubes vs BC Pipes debate, which soundly fell to RP2 Tubes as being strictly better, unless you used LP, in which case you used that for your auto-crafting, and Tubes for your sorting and everything else. It had a simple built-in logic, it didn't dump crap out into the world, it worked. TD was just like that. Only instead of machines that took up an entire block (i.e. Transposer, Filter, etc...), you had the Servos, Filters, and Retrievers which went on the ends of tubes to provide essentially the same functionality. It was elegant, powerful, aesthetically pleasing, and intuitive to build and execute.

Hehe, I only got into modded in 1.6.4 (Agrarian Skies 1) so missed out on a lot of earlier mods inc RP2. But I saw a stream of slowpoke trying out a fan-made of the FTB insanity pyramid and thought I'd try the original as a bit of light relief from my main world (Infitech 2). It's a lot of fun.
I know my main complaint with progressive automation would be that whole use tool durability thing. I've always disliked farms and power gen that rely on items that have a durability. One of the reasons I stopped using Steve's Carts and the Railcraft steam turbine the had durability on the rotor.
I know my main complaint with progressive automation would be that whole use tool durability thing. I've always disliked farms and power gen that rely on items that have a durability. One of the reasons I stopped using Steve's Carts and the Railcraft steam turbine the had durability on the rotor.
That's a complaint, surely, but that's not even my main complaint. I mean, EnderIO has the same problem with its farm.

The biggest complaint is that the radius is the size of a gnat. Each upgrades only increases the size of the effect by one SQUARE. Not radius, one single square. The only way to change this is to use a Nether Upgrade which, of course, uses Nether Stars. Sorry, I'm not going to be dumping nether stars into my farming just to make it viable. Not gonna happen.

The other problem is that, because of how it does its radius, it is virtually impossible to do decent sized plots, just because of how slow it is going to be to harvest anything. Which means spamming the machines themselves. Which only compounds the problem which you are complaining about, durability reliance, and power consumption.

It's not like we're trying to farm stuff like Magic Crops, I just don't want to have to manually harvest my wheat every time I want to make some food. Although that's probably WHY there is a dearth of plant automation, because so many people have abused what comes out of a plant.
Just go with inductieve automation. you can change the Area it Harvest easily, even up and if it goes too Slow Just give it More Power.

It can even bonemeal the crops for you.
After building a small pack to test 1.10, I agree finding a decent automated farming solution outside EnderIO, Forestry, and Progressive Automation is unlikely as of yet. I've never been a bee breeder, so Forestry wasn't even a consideration for me until I noticed such a lack of options, and still missed the cut because I wasn't about to add all that for a workable but unenthusiastic farming setup. EnderIO was already in, and Progressive Automation was on the brink (mostly for early game lumber farming, honestly), but the lack of other alternatives made a doing both a no-brainer.

I can't help thinking that MFR was quietly the most overpowered mod in the 1.6-1.7 era (possibly before, but I joined up in 1.6). It had an answer for almost everything. It was compact. It was easy to power, and even easier to configure. It just simply worked, and because of this, too many of us didn't. It made us lazy and unimaginative. I want something better than we have right now, but comparing all the options to the easy button that was MFR puts a bad shine on even decent options when they arrive. Don't take this as me bagging on MFR, because I do love the simplicity and ease of use, not to mention the ease with which you can disguise the function into a build if you were so inclined. Unfortunately, the mod did everything so well, there wasn't much need for other solutions, so none were made. Maybe in its absence more mods will rise to fill the holes left behind.
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After building a small pack to test 1.10, I agree finding a decent automated farming solution outside EnderIO, Forestry, and Progressive Automation is unlikely as of yet. I've never been a bee breeder, so Forestry wasn't even a consideration for me until I noticed such a lack of options, and still missed the cut because I wasn't about to add all that for a workable but unenthusiastic farming setup. EnderIO was already in, and Progressive Automation was on the brink (mostly for early game lumber farming, honestly), but the lack of other alternatives made a doing both a no-brainer.

I can't help thinking that MFR was quietly the most overpowered mod in the 1.6-1.7 era (possibly before, but I joined up in 1.6). It had an answer for almost everything. It was compact. It was easy to power, and even easier to configure. It just simply worked, and because of this, too many of us didn't. It made us lazy and unimaginative. I want something better than we have right now, but comparing all the options to the easy button that was MFR puts a bad shine on even decent options when they arrive. Don't take this as me bagging on MFR, because I do love the simplicity and ease of use, not to mention the ease with which you can disguise the function into a build if you were so inclined. Unfortunately, the mod did everything so well, there wasn't much need for other solutions, so none were made. Maybe in its absence more mods will rise to fill the holes left behind.

MFR was good, but it did have it's share of problems, such as not easily integrating into different biome generation mods. It worked fairly well with most of the tree types Biomes'o'Plenty added, but doesn't work at all with ExtraBiomesXL tree types. Figuring out how to properly make a breeding setup seemed trivial for some whilst others found it rather difficult, and using the wrong machine in the breeding setup which sometimes ended up in them grinding their breeding stock away!

Between the 1.6 and 1.7 transition, there seemed to be some modpacks that had an extra set of MFR machines in them. Really confusing to look at twice as many pages of MFR machines as actually existed!

MFR is great but it's the same as any other mod, if configured properly: It can and will eat into a lot of resources to build and support it's machines. You'd be surprised at how much non-MFR machines from other mods you need to find room for in some modpacks, most seem to like having a stripped-down MFR or integration of it into other mods so that progression doesn't break too badly.

MFR was in the early stages known for a Harvester that would cut wood infinitely in an ever increasing radius as long as there was connected wood joining any tree forests together! :D Kind of an easy way to get a few different tree types! ;) Later versions fixed that behavior.

The one unique thing I liked about MFR was that it had machines to support automation of animal breeding. Few other mods seem to tackle that as thoroughly as MFR did.

I'd certainly like to see MFR or mods like it in 1.10, who out there in the modding community is willing to step up and have a go at it? Hopefully someone will come up with a new farming solution, or at least a comparable one!

Cheers ...

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I guess I'm one of the people who loves forestry-farm, even after using it quiet a bit now *chuckles*
Steve's carts farms are amazing for me, too.

For me most other mod farm are very... simple, too simple most of the times. But since about a year I'm anyways on the "More complex -> more fun!"-way of playing modded minecraft, so I'm absolutely no standard opinionwise, heh.

Not to be missunderstood: I think MFR, EnderIO are great mods, no question here. But for me it's just that I love multiblock-structures and complex system where you need more than one automation to make a stone-tools for the farm to work.
I really tried to love progressive automation, but on the long run it's so very expensive. Especially when you try to have more than one diamond-level farm. The "per square" or "per 4 squares" (with the netherstar-upgrade) upgrades are just too expensive to try bigger farms.

So I guess for me, until more options come avaible, in 1.10.2 it's progressive automation for the very early farming (so max stone-level machines) and animal-farms (if I need them, mainly for shearing sheeps) and forestry for later-game farms.

Only problem I still have with forestry: I just can't find the right balance between tree-farm and peat-farm so I get a closed system. So that the tree farm creates enough sand that the peatbog keeps filling my peatfarm :/

Hah, almost forgot!
The mod "Minecolonies" which adds your own NPC workers and workplaces has a nice way for having a miner, lumberjack and farmer so far :)
Still alpha and from my testing a few things to do, but once this mod is fine and the npc do what they shall do, I think it will be one of the mods I put in every modpack I make for myself :D

And for the topic: The mod has already a working farm for wheat, potatoes and carrots. And I think pam's harvestcraft, too.
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Guessing I'm the only one who doesn't mind manual farming :p

I'd rather farm manually than be a lumberjack, but they so often get grouped together. Ever since the ability to right-click to harvest without breaking, crop farming has been no problem. Manually breaking every log in a giant oak gets annoying way too fast (especially without fast leaf decay).
Hmm... looking at the list? Cover every single square of the farm with a Mechanical User, and use an EIO vacuum chest to suck up the drops. Ender Core makes things right clickable, so the users should be able to harvest, and only do so when completely mature. If that's not fast enough, feed them bone meal. That'll accelerate the growth and harvest once mature.
Actually, it is extremely different in functionality, but that's rather beside the point. The point here is... well, EnderIO is the answer to EVERYTHING. It's just... do anything you want and get away from it. I'm trying to not rely on it as a crutch. You know, getting out of ruts and so forth.

Honestly, if the CoFH Suite would update, I'd get rid of EnderIO entirely. I'd be going with Thermal Dynamics for my item/power/liquid transportation, and Thermal Dynamics to make them with.

Thermal Dynamics was... amazing. It was the pinnacle of transportation, hearkening all the way back to the 1.2.5 days of RP2 Tubes vs BC Pipes debate, which soundly fell to RP2 Tubes as being strictly better, unless you used LP, in which case you used that for your auto-crafting, and Tubes for your sorting and everything else. It had a simple built-in logic, it didn't dump crap out into the world, it worked. TD was just like that. Only instead of machines that took up an entire block (i.e. Transposer, Filter, etc...), you had the Servos, Filters, and Retrievers which went on the ends of tubes to provide essentially the same functionality. It was elegant, powerful, aesthetically pleasing, and intuitive to build and execute.

MFR was kinda like that for farming. It's really not that difficult to farm wheat. You go out into the field, whack the wheat, replant, done. It's already a renewable resource, MFR just lets you automate it. Simple, clean, efficient. Done. Rather like what Forestry used to do before Multiblock crap, back when it was worth playing around with.
I agree with you totally about EnderIO. In the pack I'm working on the moment I've actually disabled a couple of blocks purely because their functionally totally makes other more interesting approaches obsolete.
1.10 is still too early days yet for any sort of consistent automation that we are used to from 1.7.10. Wonder what's going on with the CoFH suite?
why didn't anyone mention calculator?
calculator has three tiers of automated farming. although the final one is kinda overkill.
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