Failed to bind to port?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, so I am a complete newb.
How can I get rid of failed to bind to port error?
It says maybe another server is running on that port?
how do I know for sure?
If there is another server running on my :25565 port how do I terminate it?
Or will I have to choose another port?
Thanks for your time, Jerakl
as said before complete newb to FTB

  • What OS are you running? I am running Windows 7 ultimate
  • Are you using minecraft hosting provider or a dedicated/local server not designed for minecraft? No
  • What version of FTB are you using? Latest version.( I don't know specifics)
  • Did you add any mods to the server pack? no
  • What are your server specs? 1GB
  • A good detailed paragraph about the problem^
not to patronize but make sure you've forwarded your 25565 port and make sure you don't have any other server running on that port such as another vanilla server
if you get that error, it means there is already running a minecraft server with the same port.
Go in you program manager and make sure all java aplications are closed, then start your server again
as said, complete newb,
I did that in my task manager but it still says the same thing.
Nope it gives me an error ( I tried 25595/25565)
It gives me a : Cannot assign requested address : JVM_Bind
Maybe I need to try a different port?
Hmmmm I tried about 7 different ports, all the same error
The exception was: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
It said that with 6 different ports
If you get this error after changing the port you have put the wrong IP address into the file.

You need to place either 1) No IP address or 2) an IP address to an address assigned to your computer. If 2) is wrong, you will get this error no matter what.

As an example I have two NICs in my server, one set to and one at .105 with an external of (not my real ip)

If I want to run the server any either NIC I leave the IP blank. If I only want incoming connections to goto .105 I put

I never put in the config file. Ever.

this line:


set it to


With no space after the = sign or set it to your address.
As Defakto said, leave it blank, unless you really know what you are doing, and even if you know what you are doing, it's best to leave it bland sometimes aswell :P
To simplfy what's happening:

You have a phone number you want to ring to your phone in your house, but you're trying to setup the system using the sidewalk outside, not the actual address of your house.
ok, I think I get it. I'll post again if it doesn't work. But, I need a IP to port forward, do I just use my IP?
Also how do I join the server, it worked but I tried the IP "local" and it didn't work, so what do I put?
You need to forward your router to your internal IP address.

You can get this by running

ipconfig or ifconfig from the command line, depending on your OS.

If the computer is on the same computer as your client, you can connect with localhost, or with the IP address from above. If you want friends from another house to connect you give them the IP you had in the originally and forward the correct ports on your router.
No, You give your friends that IP. That's your external IP address. Your internal should be either 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x if you haven't messed with router settings.

You forward from the router, to IP 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x

You are correct about the port however.