Failed to bind to port?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So refreshing to see that someone with minimal knowledge isn't flamed/degraded in any way!!!!!
To all those that helped this guy, well done, you are a rare breed on internet forums these days :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i had about the same error.

so, i was trying to make a ftb monster server to play on whith my friends and such, it worked fine for a while and it had worked for all my servers to this point, but then it just stopped working for some reason.
either it just says in the console failed to bind to port or when others try to connect it says connection refused: connect.

so i thought i would try to fix the bind to port problem.
i have found the problem, it was that bitTorrent where using the same port as my server adn i thought:
sure lets just look up how to fix that then (btw, if i change the port inside bitTorrent the server fucks up)
but i didnt find anything at all.
so if any1 that reads this knows what i should do plz tell me

thanks !