Factorization barrels with Builcraft pipes

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't mind the randomness of the router - as I tend to preplace 1 item in each barrel before I even activate the router. It's the only practical way I found, when dealing with more than 9 barrels (or, in my case, three different floors). Still the easiest setup for a sorting system, once every barrel has its content. Thanks for the tip with the furnaces. =)

And the only cobblestone I really have is that I mined myself. The quarry-cobble (same with dirt and gravel) is taken out before it even reaches the sorting chest - to a void pipe. ;)


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Why not just dump the stuff into recyclers to make scrap, and then make scrap boxes. I guess there's a way to auto-open the boxes without redpower deployers.

This topic has opened my eyes a bit more to factorization. I have it currently disabled, but doesn't a wall of barrels and a few routers feel a bit "cheaty"? Before, you'd have to have lots of piping and associated blocks for your preferred sorting system. Now, all you've got is a smaller system.

For overflow, once redpower is available, couldn't a transposer deal with items clogged in a router? Put it on a timer (say, every 10 seconds). The only danger is that it might pull out a valid stack of items before the router has a chance of dealing with it.
Best option is for the router code to be updated, to eject stuck items into a specific chest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
smaller is relative
you have to deal with all simple stuff which makes it like a blob

you kinda have to pipe too but the pipe are the stuff you put your stuff in
but what when you want to differentiate between items?
You cannot request items easily so no real autocrafting
fetching out/putting in of barrels is a pain in the ass, cause you cannot fetch from sides but just from button and just insert from top
and on insertion it doesnt update the barrel display and when extraction you only get displayed 64 items which isnt true since we know a barrel holds at least 64 stacks+

indeed the router works _un_determistic so you have no clue, when and where he will add the items
there will be always a worst case scenerio on every setup
I just made one setup which worked but was such a huge redstone contraption cause you had to add edge detectors, pulse limiters, pulse detectors, and all with very specific timins tuned to the router.
If you make it too slow your system will clog up when you use quarrys and many farms
when you make it too fast, its getting unreliable

well this wouldnt be even needed if its not that bugged. As I read the changelog for 1.4.5 he hasnt fixed any bugs regarded that and I pm'ed him about that certain aspect without an answer
The throughness upgrade should detect the first machines in line and feed them first, only if the first ones are served he will move on.

Since a Barrel is a machine too in term of a router he should feed a extended barrel up to 1024 stacks of x until he moves on
but on rare occasion he doesnt do it, whyever?! He just skipps the first barrels and add his load into the next ones and even worse, skips like a dozen of the same type of barrels.

Idk if it happens to be connected to my amount of used barrels in the storage but shouldnt.

My idea was (when the object itself wouldnt be bugged)
to let at the very last station a barrel open
but every barrel in between is filled with a certain item and all barrels are in a row!
Logical conclusion: if an item reachs the last barrel it must be an unregistered item > pump it out > profit

but big zonk :D

sadly im resolving it atm by adding logistic pipes addon for BuildCraft
and the stuff is really expensive so it keeps me working on it more :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have it currently disabled, but doesn't a wall of barrels and a few routers feel a bit "cheaty"? Before, you'd have to have lots of piping and associated blocks for your preferred sorting system. Now, all you've got is a smaller system.
In a way, you're right. It IS a bit "cheaty". But until my blingmachine has produced enough diamonds for diamond pipes, I'm okay with that. ;) And even using the router/barrel construct leaves quite some room for complicated pipesystems. Automatic crafting, lasers, macerator-furnace-energy-contraptions.. theres really miles of piping, before the leftover items take their way down to my storage area.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
<3 the barrels. I really haven't got that much into factorization as a mod, already have mods that basically does same thing already. But eventually I'll maybe build something out of it.

<edit> How would the barrels be any different from RP2 tubes with chests(ironchest mod)? Of course the chest has "less" room, but with RP2 tubes it's not like that will cause any problems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
<3 the barrels. I really haven't got that much into factorization as a mod, already have mods that basically does same thing already. But eventually I'll maybe build something out of it.

<edit> How would the barrels be any different from RP2 tubes with chests(ironchest mod)? Of course the chest has "less" room, but with RP2 tubes it's not like that will cause any problems.

how you compare barrels to chests + tubes?

some differences, though comparison is kinda kinky:

* barrels have visual display what they have
* barrels only contain 1 stackable item
* it holds up to 64 stacks of 64er stack items (eggs for example differ)
* its upgrade enables 1024 stacks
* insertion is only possible from the top
* extraction only from the bottom
* RP2 isnt at 1.4.2
* barrels have own router system to feed them which enables instant insertion/extraction if configured correctly
* there might be more I forgot


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Logistics pipes could also work. Probably. Maybe. I actually don't know, but it's worth a try.

they do but it doesnt make it better than the original BC pipes cause you cannot specify where the provider module is getting the items from or specify where the itemSink Module should put it in


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How I compare barrels to chest with RP2? They're in the same ballpark. The difference is the size, which I already mentioned, but never stopped us from using RP2(color code, sorters etc) and chests long before factorization even existed.

Yeah, a properly set up logistics system can harness the power of the barrels as well. Just takes a little more time to set that up. Ignore that part I wrote and edited away, wasn't thinking clearly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd use passive, personally. If it's only items already in motion that try to path to the input of the barrel, then it's not going to pull out of the barrel to feed itself.

thats some good call
ill try that out
though it wont benefit in my case


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are they meant to work together? I am piping out wood, saplings and apples out of cargo manager with wooden pipe. They go to cobblestone pipes that are connected to several barrels. But they never go inside barrels. I tried empty barrels and I tried barrel "initialized" by the correct material (eg. wood, sapling and apple in each of the barrels) but the items still just go to the end of the pipe and pop out. Am I doing something wrong?

Are the pipes going into the top of the barrels? (They ought to be)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I feel like I should be able to place a chest as part of the 'blob' of barrels I have and that it will automatically put the unsorted or overflow into this chest as that is how the router works but it only puts one thing into the chest and then blocks up... is there a way around this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I feel like I should be able to place a chest as part of the 'blob' of barrels I have and that it will automatically put the unsorted or overflow into this chest as that is how the router works but it only puts one thing into the chest and then blocks up... is there a way around this?

there are some work arounds.
for example if an item stays a long time you can let it emit a redstone signal via Buildcraft (be aware if you let it emit a direct redstone signal the router stops working)

set it up to a pulse detector to detect that the router is jammed
extract the pulse and shorten it and emit it to a redstone engine
let a strong(!) engine pull items (since stronger pull more than 1 item in comparison to a redstone engine)

with redpower logic it should be fairly easy now

else just hope that neptunepink finally adds a new router upgrade for detecting jams or auto-handling them
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know how to do most of that except detecting if an item has stayed a long time.... I put a gate on a buildcraft pipe, set to emit a red pipe signal on 'inventory has items' and set that to emit a redstone signal away from the router. But it will emit a redstone signal everytime something passes through the router, or if the router is back up working on a stack of stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
look up pulse detector. I'm not sure if redpower itself has already such a logic gate but with normal redstone you can do it too.
A simple example would be
you hook the signal to several repeaters


and in the end an AND gate

so if the pulse was long enough to activate all repeater chains, then you got a JAM

there may be some other contraptions better suited for your case.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Remember this thread was started before RP2 was out. To avoid jams, you can have a router handling a wall of up to 40 barrels (number of slots in a sorting machine) with a relay next to it, preceded by a sorting machine, and an overflow line placed before the sorting machine.

That sounds confusing, let my try from the input side. Input chest with a filter attached, tube to junction for sorting machine/overflow line (I use a restriction tube on the overflow line). Only items in the sorting machine will flow through to the relay, and all those items will be inserted in the barrel wall by the router. Alternate, less expensive setup is to use groups of 9 barrels managed by a router a relay and a filter.




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this would just kinda defeat its purpose
cause in the end you just split up the "border"
cause you will get stuff in your overflow chest which aint overflowed
what you want to achieve is that _only_ the jamming item is transfered to the overflow chest and not all in the same barrelwall, since the router wont accept other items which the sorting system relays to the router


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never really tried a barrel with buildcraft pipes or routers instead opting for one sorting machine managing a full system (maybe two if I need one on a macerator/pulverizer) then a wall of barrels for my storage with pneumatic tubes going into the top and then a few chests for overflow and it really is insanely efficient and while the routers are probably faster until you get a ton of barrels attached I do enjoy being able to see all the items going where they are meant to on their own.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this would just kinda defeat its purpose
cause in the end you just split up the "border"
cause you will get stuff in your overflow chest which aint overflowed
what you want to achieve is that _only_ the jamming item is transfered to the overflow chest and not all in the same barrelwall, since the router wont accept other items which the sorting system relays to the router

Nothing will go in the overflow chest except what you want, provided the chest is more than 1 block away from the filter. RP tubes will always go the the closest available inventory, they won't split like BC pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh man a router post. I thought people wrote off the router completely. I had made several tutorials on them to help maximize the use they get. Routers -> Barrels works like a charm. My setup for sorting is currently RP2 with the "default route" set to the router so all I have to do is add the processed items to be colored. It is quite easy but looks like hell cause I was squeezing it in to a tight space.

If anyone has any questions about Routers etc you can see some more on my channel but for this topic I specifically made this one (a while back). My aim of all those router videos is to help understand them and use them in the proper places because when used properly they are extremely powerful and extremely useful. I hope this helps anyone that needs it!