I've been messing around with my bees, trying to make each species the most productive workers. Now I also want to make all my bees able to work in a Normal/Normal biome and was wondering what serum, if any, I'd need to get bees like Modest, Wintry, and the Nether Bees to work in these biomes?
I have the following serums (some I don't know what they do):
Default Territory??
No Temp. Tol. (I'm unsure if this is the one I need or if it just removes the Up/Down/Both modifier)
No Humid. Tol. (Same as the temp one)
Both 1. Temp. Tol. (I know what this is but Both 1 won't be enough for Hellish bees unless if I want to work them in the desert)
So I was just curious if it's possible to get the species to work in Normal/Normal. Is there a serum I might be missing that would achieve this?
I've been messing around with my bees, trying to make each species the most productive workers. Now I also want to make all my bees able to work in a Normal/Normal biome and was wondering what serum, if any, I'd need to get bees like Modest, Wintry, and the Nether Bees to work in these biomes?
I have the following serums (some I don't know what they do):
Default Territory??
No Temp. Tol. (I'm unsure if this is the one I need or if it just removes the Up/Down/Both modifier)
No Humid. Tol. (Same as the temp one)
Both 1. Temp. Tol. (I know what this is but Both 1 won't be enough for Hellish bees unless if I want to work them in the desert)
So I was just curious if it's possible to get the species to work in Normal/Normal. Is there a serum I might be missing that would achieve this?