I wouldent call it an exploit, but I do think such methods are able to produce far too much wealth. I think that should be balanced better. And if you want to say how hard it is to get a full teir 5 shard, youre not doing it right. its quite easy.
You understand that time is a huge modifier of what is and is not balanced? By this logic, I could just give myself endless stacks of gold and tell myself 'hey, with enough time i would have gotten this gold anyway'. The shard spawners are far too fast. They are already greatly in want due to the simple matter of being able to place them anywhere. the speed of the spawning is way overboard.You can make mob towers for all the mobs. Soul shards just make it easier, it's not like you couldn't get the same effect by using more time.
100% Agreed whit everything you saidYou understand that time is a huge modifier of what is and is not balanced? By this logic, I could just give myself endless stacks of gold and tell myself 'hey, with enough time i would have gotten this gold anyway'. The shard spawners are far too fast. They are already greatly in want due to the simple matter of being able to place them anywhere. the speed of the spawning is way overboard.
You understand that time is a huge modifier of what is and is not balanced? By this logic, I could just give myself endless stacks of gold and tell myself 'hey, with enough time i would have gotten this gold anyway'. The shard spawners are far too fast. They are already greatly in want due to the simple matter of being able to place them anywhere. the speed of the spawning is way overboard.
In my personal opinion, some combinations really are over the board and well into the stratosphere. I really like book enchanting my tools though. Mostly because no matter how much you enchant them, they're still dwarved by the massive outputs of quarries and bores and whatnot. It's a lot of effort for just a little bit of extra efficiency on your tools. When instead of standing by your mobgrinder for 4 hours and wasting 10 stacks of books, you could simply pay 7 diamonds for a quarry.Hmm im curious as to what people think of enchanting electric tools and armors with books in a anvil?
Like putting protection 4 on quantum armor is quite ridiculous.
you could simply pay 7 diamonds for a quarry.
Of course, you're right, but even if it was 11, 20, 30. It'd be still much easier than enchanting your diamond drill with silk touch, and way more efficient. Especially considering the hoops you have to jump trough in Gtech to get said diamond drill.11. 8 for the gears, 3 for the pick.
You know, I wonder why quarries haven't been nerfed by greg yet.
*facepalm*They have. They require a diamond drill instead of a pickaxe to build.
You do realize book enchant is an exploit the IC developer is still trying to fix, right?In my personal opinion, some combinations really are over the board and well into the stratosphere. I really like book enchanting my tools though. Mostly because no matter how much you enchant them, they're still dwarved by the massive outputs of quarries and bores and whatnot. It's a lot of effort for just a little bit of extra efficiency on your tools. When instead of standing by your mobgrinder for 4 hours and wasting 10 stacks of books, you could simply pay 7 diamonds for a quarry.
Yeah, that's nice and all, but you're still one guy, with one drill, who could in theory own 200 quarries all of 'em working at the same time.You do realize book enchant is an exploit the IC developer is still trying to fix, right?
He made his tools so that they are better than a normal diamond pickaxe but worse than a fully enchanted diamond pickaxe.
I don't know how you play, but i can get about 3 times the ore a quarry can get by branch mining and skipping all those useless layers a quarry has to mine, and an efficiency 5 diamond drill can drill stuff faster than anything else while UMPOWERED, not to mention the fortune 3 on top of that...
That particular exploit has long since been closed, scrapboxes don't spawn carts and helmets since about two modpack versions ago. It also no longer spawns netherrack, which was actually fueling my lava MJ power station until then.Emeralds you mean
My setup: 8 recyclers with 1 speed upgrade fed by 8 ignius extruders that generate cobble. With 1 speed upgrade the recyclers are just a bit faster than the cobble gens. The resulting scrap gets sent through BC pipes to a chest next to an automated crafting table which produces scrapboxes. The scrapboxes are sent to a dispenser (single one is enough for the amount of scrap I produce) which 'unpacks' them into a little pit with a obsidian pipe below. That pipe feeds it into a sorting system. Carts and helmets go into an blulectric alloy furnace to be smelted into ingots, which go into my sorting system. The ore / dusts I get also go into my sorting/processing system, together with the other stuff that's somewhat valuable (leather, feathers, diamonds, emeralds, coal dust, etc.). Left over is the 'crap' (soulsand, netherrack, wooden hoes etc.) and this gets fed back into the recyclers. The recyclers also feed into my mass fab but that's turned off because I have more UU matter than I have a use for.
I do the same, though I simply store the planks for crafting and void the rest.I have a similar setup, but I send the wooden tools to a sawmill to convert to planks and sawdust (to turn to charcoal). Planks will either help feed my boiler (which powers a magma crucible which feeds a geo-therm generator for the little IC power I need), or get feed back to scrapping.
I need to setup a system to put the single-use batteries to use and do something with those plantballs.
Yes, last tier can be time consuming esp if youre hunting enderman in the overworld like an idiot like me. However it can still all be done in one sitting. Soul Stealer V and i only have to kill 171 mobs to get tier 5. Pigman arnt exactly rare = infinite gold. Creepers a-plenty = infinite tnt ectHe. fact is. even if spawn rates stayed the same at each tier, and the only advantage of going to 5 was that you could use redstone to turn it on and off, then I'd still go for 5. altho having spawners work regardless of lightlevel and dimension is also good reasons for going to higher tiers, but it's that last tier that usually hurts a tad in regards to grinding.
Which modpack? Still get Carts and Helms under DW20. Don't assume everyone uses Mindcrack/GregTech.That particular exploit has long since been closed, scrapboxes don't spawn carts and helmets since about two modpack versions ago. It also no longer spawns netherrack, which was actually fueling my lava MJ power station until then.
They are when you have enough. I find it an annoying mechanic because you just have to make them because the chance is there and they are super cheap and easy. I don't like IC2 that much personally, I tried to play with only it installed and enjoyed it a bit more but got bored again when I got the mass fabricator running with a stack of solars. Didn't really take much effort and quantum suit is just a waiting game at that point. GT obviously nerfs it a lot but I dislike the fact that it also nerfs other mods that are fine.Which modpack? Still get Carts and Helms under DW20. Don't assume everyone uses Mindcrack/GregTech.
It's not really an exploit really, so you get a few ingots from scrap? So what? you can get diamonds without needing a separate machine and power source to make. Since it's all controlled by the random number gods, you can't class these scrapbox materials as a reliable source of materials.