Exodus: The First Community-Built Modpack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever wanted to design your own modpack, but don't have the tools or time necessary to do so? Have you ever wanted to take control of a modpack, building it on your own with your own ideas?

Exodus is your answer.

Exodus is a modpack that will be entirely community built, meaning that you have the ability to choose the mods that go into this pack. You can put in anything, from the largest tech mod to the smallest texture pack, it's all up to your decisions, and it's completely open-source.

So if you're interested in building this pack, then by all means, keep reading.


- How to get YOUR Mods in this pack -

Now that I've made such a bold statement, it's time to tell you how this all works. Inputting a mod into this pack works in a step-by-step process.

Step #1 - Mod Selection and Suggestion

Rules for mod suggestions:
- Mods must be open source
- Do not re-suggest a mod that has already been added (check the mod list)
- Do not spam suggestions
- Use the suggestion format, otherwise it will be rejected.

Got a great idea for a mod that will help improve or add-on to the pack? Awesome! All you have to do is post a mod suggestion application using the following format -

Name of Mod:
Mod Author:
Minecraft Version?:

After that, your mod will be added to the voting board.


Step #2 - The Voting

Now that you've added your mod, it's time for the user voting. All mods will be voted on using a strawpoll format, and each poll will only contain five mods. The top three voted mods will be reviewed and then added to the pack. Don't worry - if your mod doesn't get voted up, it can still be re-added into circulation, just follow the first step. You can look at the current strawpoll here -

No polls yet, we just started this thing!

Please read the "Voting Information" for a more detailed description of the voting process.

Step #3 - Post-Voting and Review

If your mod is selected and voted on, then congratulations! You've made it to the final step! After that, we will add your mod to our library and begin testing it. Please note that if there are any discrepancies with the mod (e.g. permissions, licensing issues, compatibility errors) we will be forced to remove it.

- What about voting? How do I get to vote?! -

Every week, there will be a new poll up for you to vote on. Each poll will contain five randomly selected mods, and at the end of the week, the top three most voted mods will be added to the pack.

All polls will be of the strawpoll format. You can find each poll here [check back once a week] -

haha no polls yet start suggesting mods and I will add them

- What is this modpack going to be about? -

As of right now, it all depends on the mods to be added. This is a planned HQM modpack, but it all depends on whatever gets added in. As of now, the storyline/questline will be kept a secret, but I will talk more about it as time continues. Trust me, it'll be great.

- Mod List -
As of June 19th, 2015 -
Not Enough Items by Chicken Bones
Rei's Minimap by Reifnsk
Hardcore Questing Mod by Vswe

- I want to become a member of this development team! -

Great! We're always looking for new and creative people to join us! Please look at the spoiler for the application and open positions.

- Open Positions -
Graphic Designer
Story Board Designer/Writer

- Application -

Name (IRL or In-Game, doesn't matter) -
Age -
Skype -
Previous experience? - [Yes] or [No]
How well do you work as a team member? -
Have you ever been a part of a modpack development team? -