Ooooooh an Engery thread?
You know I gotta..... oh soooo gotta
Go with BT and build the hugestnessly big thermopile the world has ever seen.
And some windmills too.
I'm not a fan of windmills, but I do enjoy making large thermopile arrays. But, recently, I set up a turtle to move blutricity batteries between my storage age and where ever they are needed (in this case, in the end on my endship). Turtles are the best.
I think everyone is forgetting something about the DW20 pack, it has EE3, as long as you have gold and iron, you're never without a diamond, because you can transmute to one with a minium stone. Yeh it's expensive but used wisely can be a boon, like getting a diamond drill to go caving with instead of pick axes.
Thankfully, I am not using the DireWolf20 pack (although I did have EE3 installed for a few days on my MindCrack pack to test it out) for the obvious reasons that do not pertain to the topic of this thread.