Endershot/seeking bullets Defense?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the Xeno's reliquary endershot and the seeking bullets, how can you defend against them? On the server I play on, (FTB ultimate 1.4.7) I'm not too interested in pvp I'd like to focus on bee keeping and thaumcraft for a while, so I've encased my house in a cylinder of warded glass, and a shell of warded stone outside that, there's also a force field in some parts, but people just fly in with power armor and the handgun from xeno's reliquary and are able to shoot through all my walls and protection? I have full power armor with energy shields but it barely protects against it. Is there any way to stop the projectiles from reaching me? I feel like being able to shoot through warded stone and force fields is VERY over powered.

If anyone has any insight on what I could do, I'd appreciate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All you can do is bring it up with the server admin(s). If you're on a server that allows PvP and the admins are fine with the current item permissions, your options are to learn to accept it or find a different server to play on. Things like this are why you would never catch me dead on a PvP Minecraft server and also why I have to bite my proverbial tongue when I see forum posts from people talking like "open world" Minecraft PvP is anything other than a no-skill joke. I like to see things like team challenge maps where things are more strategic than the rock-paper-scissors of Minecraft combat. But if you choose to play on a PvP server, you are implicitly consenting to be subjected to that rock-paper-scissors. As lame as it is to have weapons that can bypass all those defenses is having defenses that can defeat all weapons. That's why "open world" Minecraft PvP is such a travesty. The base game isn't designed for it and modding the game doesn't help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They seriously shoot through the walls? Sure that it's not just the forcefield? Because then, you could just replace the forcefield with a frame machine to close the gates ;) (Or, easier, drawbridges in 1.5)


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Make your own gun with endershot and shoot them back, or have a second forcefield with the zapper upgrade. (much larger than your base- turn it on when they get inside it)
If you play on a PvP server then you'll expect some PvP- thats why its a PvP server.​
When your racked up and hard to kill, most people will leave you for someone a bit easier.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, x3n0ph0b3 has been AWOL for almost 2 months, so at the very least you won't have to worry about it anymore if you decide to switch over to 1.6 once those packs come out. Until then, I don't really know. Fancy booby traps maybe? I've been wanting to make one with the high energy pellet launcher. Assuming the config is left to default, that kills most things in one hit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you didn't want PvP then you shouldn't of gone on a PvP server.

on half, you're right, expect pvp on a pvp server, but on the other half, what's the point of building a giant base full of protection if it isn't even doing it's job against a weapon like that