Ender Thermic Pump suddenly slowed down

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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I had a single ETP running with a single eedstone engine, keeping an endertank full of lava. I had a matching tank feeding my smeltery, and another running 21 Magmatic Engines. The tank was always full, I never saw the level drop a little bit.

I went to the Nether just now, and turned the engine off. I waited until it cooled down, then turned it back on again. Ever since then, the endertank has been empty, just occasionally a little bit of lava will appear and disappear quickly. Somehow, turning the engine off and back on again has killed the performance of the pump.

Any idea why this is? I've attached a second engine, and it still can't keep up. Has something changed, do I need more power to the pump than it used to, and has stopping and starting it engaged new changed mechanics?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a single ETP running with a single eedstone engine, keeping an endertank full of lava. I had a matching tank feeding my smeltery, and another running 21 Magmatic Engines. The tank was always full, I never saw the level drop a little bit.

I went to the Nether just now, and turned the engine off. I waited until it cooled down, then turned it back on again. Ever since then, the endertank has been empty, just occasionally a little bit of lava will appear and disappear quickly. Somehow, turning the engine off and back on again has killed the performance of the pump.

Any idea why this is? I've attached a second engine, and it still can't keep up. Has something changed, do I need more power to the pump than it used to, and has stopping and starting it engaged new changed mechanics?

I hope someone has good input to this question. I've had no luck with the enderthermic pump.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How large is the area of stone around the pump now? Could it be that shutting it off reset the loaded chunks and now it cannot find lava to pump? Have you tried move the pump to a new location?


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
How large is the area of stone around the pump now? Could it be that shutting it off reset the loaded chunks and now it cannot find lava to pump? Have you tried move the pump to a new location?
Yeah, I've tried moving it to the edge of the area that it had pumped out.

One of the negative effects of this is that the tanks and liquiducts in my base are lighting up and out repeatedly making loads of lighting updates. Minor niggle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the pump placed directly above the lava level? It will not work if it is more than one block above the lava level. I am just throwing out ideas now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do redstone engines still take time to get up to speed? I don't know if that changed recently, with all the changes to various mods.

If they still do, it could be that you were running just enough machines to equal the amount of lava pumped. So when you reset it, the startup speed of the engine wasn't enough to run everything.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I waited until it went red and flashed, and it still wasn't keeping up. Two redstone engines at full speed couldn't keep up, when one had before (I don't know if two engines actually makes a difference or not, maybe they don't). Only allowing the tank to full fixed the problem. I suspect it might be a bug with the endertank, a rounding error somewhere. I think it's likely that it's when it's full that it is glitching, and that I am benefitting from the glitch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I stopped the magmatic engine ender tank from outputting, waited for the tank to fill, then turned it back on. Problem solved, pump can keep up now. Weird.

I had this problem, but without ender tanks and all the way back in 1.47. It has something to do with trickle use or something. What happened was I put one bucket of oil in a combustion engine to start up a refinery, then looped the refineries output from a tank into the combustion engine. The combustion engine filled but essentially voided the rest of the fuel as the tank was constantly being emptied to top off the combustion engine, even though the combustion engine used far less fuel than it should be producing.

I strongly suspect it has something to do with the empty state of tanks vs the liquid present state. Either a latency/priority issue in the calculation or a rounding error. I think that the game isn't recognizing the input of liquid between the time it takes to 'convert' the empty tank to a liquid-present tank and thus losing the liquid because it doesn't queue it up.

On the lag issue, I had a boiler-tesseract setup that was causing constant updates to the liquid piping BC the liquid was oscillating between two export points on the same liquiduct at one point, and it caused bad frame rates on a very good comp. I suspect this oscillating loop is a result of the same base cause of this separate issue.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey I know this is old but since you turned off the ETP it obviously wouldn't be pumping lava. After this your machines would use up their internal storage until all gone. This might seem totally obvious but when you turn the pump back on the machines have to refill their internal storage - I'm not sure on the values but magmatic engines i believe hold 16 buckets = 16 source blocks. You will have to wait till all these machines are full to stop the tank constantly draining. Since the machines are very efficient you would have noticed once they are full that the lava will fill up the tank. Basically you make more than you use but you have to wait for the internal machine buffers to fill up.