Ender Pearl farm not working?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello all. I have recently set up an Ender Pearl farm in my FTB LAN server with my brother (we are playing competitively). My farm uses retracting pistons that drop the endermen a long way down into a pit of moving water where they slowly die. Any drops are then picked up by an obsidian pipe, then pumped into an Ender Chest linked to the Overworld. They are then sucked out of the Overworld Ender Chest by a transposer into a chest.

Now, the problem. I have world anchors at my base in the Overworld and at my farm in the End. They are both fueled with Ender Pearls. When I'm at the farm in the End, it works as intended - I can see the pearls being removed from the Ender Chest by the transposer in the Overworld. However, when I'm in the Overworld I never get any pearls coming in. I suspect that the chunk in the End is not being loaded. My entire farm in the End is >100 blocks in any direction. Also, nobody else is in the End, but my brother is always in the Overworld. Any help here?
Yea, your farm probably needs a chunkloader

Also, you don't need water. Just drop the endermen a sufficient distance and they'll take fall damage, with less chance of them teleporting out and escaping.
Yea, your farm probably needs a chunkloader

Also, you don't need water. Just drop the endermen a sufficient distance and they'll take fall damage, with less chance of them teleporting out and escaping.

Why wouldn't a world anchor work in this case? Also, I just used water because it was an easy way to both kill them and move the drops to the obsidian pipes. There is no possible way for them to teleport out, I'm like 150 blocks from the main island and there are no places they can teleport to within 50 blocks.
Mobs will only spawn within 144 blocks of any player, regardless of loaded chunks. The only way to get a fully automated enderman farm without requiring a player's presence is through Soul Shard spawners.
Here's how to setup the most efficient ender farm I've come up with
- Open youtube
- Look for Sethbling "Poor man endermen farm"
- Build one
- Enchant your vile sword with soulstealer (the higher the better)
- Achieve a Tier V Soul Shard in half an hour
- Put it in a Soul Cage in the overworld over a 7x7x40 blocks pit.
- (Optional) Set up some redstone to de-activate it at will
- Put some transposer at the end of the pit
- (Optional) Teleport around teasing your brother
Mobs will only spawn within 144 blocks of any player, regardless of loaded chunks. The only way to get a fully automated enderman farm without requiring a player's presence is through Soul Shard spawners.

Well that's disappointing...do mob spawners still work outside of the 144 block range?
Are soul shard spawners supposed to work without the presence of a player? As far as I know, mobs immediately despawn when a player isn't within 128 blocks- and soul shard spawned mobs seem to behave this way as well. My creeper soul shard spawner doesn't spawn anything when I'm not around (and yes, the chunk is loaded).

This also implies that mob spawners in different dimensions (like as OP mentioned, nobody is ever in the End) will never work if there are no players in that dimension. Any workaround for this?
Soul shards only become fully automatic at tier 3, can only spawn endermen/blazes in the overworld at tier 4, and at tier 5 become independant of light and gain the ability to be turned off with Redstone, in addition to producing a maximum of 6 mobs every 2 seconds. (Exact numbers depend on how many blocks are surrounding the spawner. They seem to copy the vanilla spawner code, so leaving 4 blocks of empty space to the sides, and at least a couple of blocks above and below should be enough.)
Soul shards only become fully automatic at tier 3

Yes, of course; by virtue of my having a creeper spawner should already imply my shard is at least tier 4. Perhaps I should have phrased my question better; my query is that, how does one work around the despawning of mobs when there isn't a player within 128 blocks?

This is a vanilla minecraft mechanic, not a feature or function of the soul shards mod. Someone on Reddit mentioned that the presence of a melee turtle would prevent the mob despawning, but this does not seem to be the case.
Actually, if you get killed by a Soul Shard entity (let's say enderman), you'll notice that the death message will be slightly different. Instead of "Slain by an enderman" you'll get something similar to soulshard.entity.enderman, so yeah, mob despawning it's a vanilla mechanic, bul Soul Shard mobs bypass this mechanic. On my server I have a blaze farm that constantly keeps fueled a 3x3x3 HP boiler even when the server is empty, just keep the farm loaded (world anchor/chunk loader) and you're done!
Could you help verify whether that works with soul shard creeper spawners? I'm on the Mindcrack pack v7 (SMP), and my spawner chunk is definitely loaded, and yet my creepers will always despawn when no one's around. Easy enough to see by logging out right in front of it and logging back in; also tested by leaving the barrel of gunpowder there for awhile, and have the number not change at all. Thanks

Granted, I only have a tier 5 creeper spawner right now so I'm not sure if my problem affects the other mob spawners. I can verify that my tier 5 cow spawner does, however, spawn when I'm not around. But that's probably because they're passive creatures that don't despawn.

EDIT: Tested with a Tier 5 zombie spawner, same problem with the despawning. Sorry for hijacking the thread...maybe I should have made my own thread
Could you help verify whether that works with soul shard creeper spawners? I'm on the Mindcrack pack v7 (SMP), and my spawner chunk is definitely loaded, and yet my creepers will always despawn when no one's around. Easy enough to see by logging out right in front of it and logging back in; also tested by leaving the barrel of gunpowder there for awhile, and have the number not change at all. Thanks

Granted, I only have a tier 5 creeper spawner right now so I'm not sure if my problem affects the other mob spawners. I can verify that my tier 5 cow spawner does, however, spawn when I'm not around. But that's probably because they're passive creatures that don't despawn.

EDIT: Tested with a Tier 5 zombie spawner, same problem with the despawning. Sorry for hijacking the thread...maybe I should have made my own thread

That's odd because I keep my tier-5 zombie spawner running with a chunk loader and it works perfectly fine. I use it to collect flesh for methane, and I definitely am collecting flesh/methane while away from it.
Same here with Blazes, Wither and Enderguys. Tier 5 and 4 working fine with chunkloader (not the Anchor). Maybe, if the server is completely empty, it doesn't work...
That's odd because I keep my tier-5 zombie spawner running with a chunk loader and it works perfectly fine. I use it to collect flesh for methane, and I definitely am collecting flesh/methane while away from it.
I was going to use this method of power generation, until I found it doesn't work for me :/

In any case, I realized cows generate more methane than zombies (hear hear!). They drop more beef than rotten flesh and only need 12 to centrifuge. Score! On the other hand, you don't get iron though.

EDIT: After testing, I find that having 0 players on the server will let mobs spawn as they should, without the presence of a player. However, as long as there is at least 1 player on the server, and nobody is within 128 blocks of the spawner, the mobs will instantly despawn. Any workarounds?
I was wondering if A) there are any workarounds to the despawning or B) this was planned to be fixed soon for the soul shards. If I don't afk all day while I am out next to my spawner, my boiler will cool all the way down. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you all how hard it is to heat back up.

So has any workaround for this been found? (I use Chickenchunks chunkloaders, not any railcraft. could a personal world anchor work? Because it is personal?)
I was going to use this method of power generation, until I found it doesn't work for me :/

In any case, I realized cows generate more methane than zombies (hear hear!). They drop more beef than rotten flesh and only need 12 to centrifuge. Score! On the other hand, you don't get iron though.

EDIT: After testing, I find that having 0 players on the server will let mobs spawn as they should, without the presence of a player. However, as long as there is at least 1 player on the server, and nobody is within 128 blocks of the spawner, the mobs will instantly despawn. Any workarounds?

I recall reading about this before. If the server is empty all the soulshards work perfectly. If a player is only it despawns the mobs --- I thought the player also had to be in the same dimension to force them to despawn.

If mystcraft is available you might try putting your spawners in a world no one uses. If you just have the basic dimensions you might put them all in the end and have an agreement on the server to minimize time spent in the end.
On my server I actually own the end. (first there and warded blocked the entrance) So would it be possible to enderchest my farms back so they stay loaded and never despawn? Because then all my problems with spawners would be fixed.
I think you need to be in the end (and inside the spawning range) for the endermen to spawn, otherwise you can always use the tier 5 endermen soul shard.