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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have tried to find Wiki links on Google but have only found YouTube videos and want to know all about them.
Enchantments such as Vorpal, Disjunction, etc etc that mods add.

Are there any forum links please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Vorpal is added by redpower 2 - it is an enchant that has up to 4 levels and gives you a chance to "execute" your target, dealing very high damage and increased chance of dropping a mob head.

Disjunction is also added by redpower 2 afaik - it has up to 5 levels, and does increased damage to endermen. It cannot be stacked with sharpness or any other mob specific damage increase enchant

Soulstealer added by SoulShards mod - increases the amount of souls you get per kill by 1 per rank, maximum rank 5. You have to put it on a vile sword to begin with but can be transfered using an uncrafting table.

Fiery Aura added by Twilight Forest mod - an enchant that only appears to be on fiery armor, which is made from fiery ingots, which in turn is made form fiery blood (I think al lthose names are correct?). This is a drop from a hydra in the twilight forest. The enchant has up to 2 ranks and deals fire damage - it supposedly does it to things around you but i think it's only to things that hit you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's an identicle thread to this one that was made just a few days ago... use the search function.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's an identicle thread to this one that was made just a few days ago... use the search function.

Please don't bitch. I asked for forum links as the threads I read (using the Search tool) we're about Vorpal, that's all I could find.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're not really bitching, but you're also not helping the op with your post, thus making it fairly pointless. The question was already answered and he thanked whoever provided it.