Enchanting Plus Successor - Suggestion Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I have seen some pretty nice ideas here, let me combine them and introducing something 'new':
/enchantmode easy (with OP rights/singleplayer)
Current System. Just Choose What you want basically making it non-random.
/enchantmode hard (with OP rights/singleplayer)

You have to enchant a Catalyst that will increase the chance for a certain Enchant based on Item and Blocks surrounding the Table+.
There should be Tier 1 to Tier 5 of Catalysts.
Tier 1 (unenchanted): ~20% Chance for 'better enchant' in general (like not exactly Bane of the Arthopolis, etc.)
Tier 2. Works for Enchantments up to Level 2. Chance for 1 Bonus-ench.-level: 30%.
Tier 3: Works for Enchantments up to Level 3. Chance for 1 Bonus-ench.-Level: 50%. Chance for 2 Level: 20%.
Tier 4: Works for Enchantments up to Level 4. Chance for 1 Bonus-ench.-Level: 50%. Chance for 2 Level: 30%. Chance for 3 Level: 20%
Tier 5: Works for Enchantments up to Level 5. Chance for 1 Bonus-ench.-Level: 10%. Chance for 2 Level: 10%. Chance for 3 Level: 20% Chance for 4 Level: 60%
Catalyst takes damage / destroyed on success.

It takes experience (not level) to craft the catalyst out of certain items via special enchants. It will cost some experience aswell to try to enchant. The Experience can be saved somehow (maybe a tank?).

This would make it easier to get better enchants combining both methods - experience and items (even though just a few).

~no Signatur available~


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Evilning minions of Minecraft Addiction! It's very rare for me to say anything and/or contribute, so be happy!
Just kidding, but I do suck with giving feedback >_>
But hey, I felt like helping out a bit this time, lol.
First things first: To the creator of E+ - Jolly well done mate! I love this mod. Vanilla's enchanting is made (in my opinion) as the most endgame way of getting the best stuff, and since there's nothing to do in vanilla... it's meant to be as random as possible to give people SOMETHING to do. Well with all those mods there's no longer need to make enchanting the addiction enabled. So yes, I think I'm going to instal your mod in every MC iteration I'll play, ever. I've been playing for AGES and I'm long pass feeling the urge to grind XP for hours just to get the enchant I want.

That's it for intro. Now down to business:
All the features in E+ are just lovely, perfect, and I wouldn't part with any. BUT. It'd be nice to make it a bit more interesting. My idea is that this mod should provide a bit of fun and require some time/effort to set up and then just be a stable, consistent way to get whatever enchant you want. I don't want to make you feel bad or anything, but lets face it: This mod is not something that will let you play forever, but it's not really meant to. It's a MUCH needed balancing patch to make the game better. Having said that, I think you *could* let us work a bit more for the ability to enchant everything with everything as we please. I liked most of the suggestions here, about using catalysts or different items in the vicinity to make the enchants etc... but nah. My solution would be this:

Leave the enchanting thingie as is, with bookshelves around OR make an additional "page" in the Enchanting table UI. What for.. for the BOOKS. You can't really put bookcases inside an enchanting table, that'd be crazy. But lets say... 1 book = +1 possible level. (Either make the table swallow them up and display as a number, or just make 30 slots to put books in, you could EVEN make the distinction between regular books [gotta be careful not to write boobs..] and ENCHANTED books (for example +2 levels).. that way max enchanting level at a time would be 60? Yeah something like that). That's 1 thing.

Another thing I liked is the idea to make craftable items like a grinding stone, anvil, goldfishbowl (aqua affinity mkay?) influence what enchants you can make. But I don't think it should be randomized with 1 item giving +2% to get a particular enchant.... That's just silly.. making 50 anvils to have a 100% chance... who does that :D
Randomness? NO! Items? Yes please. Make *another* page in the enchanting table where you can fit in upgrades. Make maybe 10 of them? maybe 12? you'll decide. Each item will unlock higher tiers of enchants. Lvl 1 will be all unlocked. Lets say for sharpness II you need to have an Coarse Grind Stone in an apropriate enchant slot. If you want sharpness III you'll have to take the grinding stone out, upgrade it by say... crafting it again with 3x of a better kind of stone? Or make a more expensive recipe in a 3x3 grid... and so on.
To get lvl V enchants unlocked, it'd be cool if you had to ENCHANT the last tier Grind Stone with some semi-rare ingredients. OR YOU CAN MAKE US GO ON A QUEST! Yes, make an NPC that tells you to go somewhere and do something at a specified time/place/ dunno. But quests and explorating is what Minecraft needs. That and some kind of an endgame superdungeon like Icecrown Citadel where all those enchants, best armor, spells, potions and PROSTATE HARDENERS can be useful. But I diagress.

Another nice thing would be to be able to transform the enchanting table into a portable item, like in Aquaculture. Magic Mirror. That is just SO nifty... and if you had something like that with E+ utilities... *Drools*

To sum up: Make a prettier interface, leave all the functions as they are, (repair, disenchant, upgrading and downgrading levels of an enchant as you please), and then add the POSSIBILITY (not a must, some people like multiblock structures) to put books/enchanted books straight INTO the table. (on another page), and make it so you have to craft items that unlock enchants. I suppose you'd have to make some items for exotic enchants from other mods, but hey, you're a clever dude, I'm sure you'll figure this out, and an endgame option to turn the table into a hand held item.... possibly it'd require you to have 30 enchanted books in slots and all the crafting aide items at top tier, and then you can sort of TRANSMUTE it into the pocket version. You'd receive the item, and the old table would remain there, devoid of any upgrades. Yes that'd be good. An enchanting room is something a house needs after all, for aesthetic purposes.
Crap I'm almost exceeding over 9000 words here. Bleh. I do diagress a lot. But I gotta admit.. I'm too lazy to delete all that now and write a more coherent message. But since I'm going to post it and never return to this forum again... guess it's not REALLY my problem, is it? >:D

If I forgot something, apologies, but I stopped writing half way through to go eat dinner. Anywho, buggering off. if you like my idea of the new mod and want me to think about the stuff further.. dunno.. I suppose you can poke me on FB, if the forum gives that option. otherwise.. dunno. tough luck ;D
See ya guys!

Edit: Oh dear god I totally forgot: If you're going to make quests for upgrade items... like go find a diamond ore block, spill some special oil over it and say a magic word to transform it into a special grind stone... DO make an in game guide book like thaumcraft or rotarycraft has, it's so spiffy, I can't get enough of those things. I love not having to go watch spotlights to know how to do something! Thanks a bunch for all your hard work mate :)

Edit2: AND yes. please, for the love of DANNY DE VITO... change the cost from LEVELS to actual experience. I beg of you, have mercy. That's the most flawed idea since Hitler_Coming_To_Power_Reference_2. kkthxbb, poof
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something like Thaumcraft's approach to research would do this nicely. Work towards a 'pattern,' then when you finish it, right click to learn it. Now you can enchant sharpness I onto your swords. Alongside that, maybe some of this new research (or whatever you want to call it) could be used to increase the rate at which you gather XP, or reduce the enchantment cost.

Another idea would be to use Skyrim's approach. Find enchanted gear, and disenchant it to learn it's effects. Don't use the soul gems though... I hated those things.

Also, maybe add the ability to enchant blocks with blast resistance, or mining resistance. That would be pretty cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recently saw another mod that adds the ability to enchant certain buildcraft blocks (notably, the quarry), resulting in various effect/changes.

Perhaps similar enchanting of some vanilla blocks could be allowed?

Ex: Furnace -> Efficiency increases burn time of fuel. Fire aspect increases smelt speed. Fortune gives a chance of smelting ore blocks into multiple ingots. Etc.

Enchanted blocks could still be mod blocks (I.e. the vanilla block gets converted to a mod block upon first enchant). That way you can still leave vanilla blocks unmodified, but can re-use things like models (if any) and textures.

More possibilities:
Wooden Door -> Protection increases resistance against zombie attacks.
Wool -> Feather falling causes you to act as if you had feather falling on your boots (stacks with an feather falling enchant you may have) if you fall upon it.
Piston -> Knockback causes piston to act more like a cannon, launching a pushed block some distance, as opposed to just pushing it one block. Silk touch converts it into a sticky piston. Sharpness causes it to do damage to mobs it pushes.
Farmland -> Efficiency gives increased growth rate for crops. Protection prevents farmland from reverting to dirt by jumping/stomping.
Lava -> Unbreaking 3 (or higher if modded), flows from this lava source block turns to obsidian when exposed to water instead of cobble.


Lots of possibilities.
Exactly how would one go about enchanting farmland o_O unless you had a silk touch tool, it's impossible to even pick it up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Exactly how would one go about enchanting farmland o_O unless you had a silk touch tool, it's impossible to even pick it up.
That just gates enchanted farmland behind getting Silk Touch. Nothing wrong with that!

Alternatively, a consumable item made of cobwebs that you can enchant with effects which are applied to the block you right-click with the item. Again, silk touch gating. I mean, if we're talking an enchantment mod with cooler stuff available, why not toss in some basic progression and make Silk Touch a nicer enchant to have? TE3 is basically the only reason I've ever wanted Silk Touch, since I started playing Minecraft back in 1.1 vanilla.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IMO, it would be best if you could influence your enchant, but not completely pick the one you want. Kind of like Mystcraft (You can add items to get specific book traits, but there's not a 100% chance that you will get what you want). Also it should be done on an upgraded enchantment table so that it is still possible to use vanilla enchanting with a regular enchanting table.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
* As a player, I don't build mob grinders. I get XP the "normal way". As such I approve of an enchanting system that consumes XP. Its what its for.

* Thaumcraft I think has implemented the ideal enchanting system. Reagents specify the enchantment, XP is consumed.

* If there was a replacement for E+ I would like a system that makes me excited to find enchanting books in dungeons/libraries. So I think it should revolve around managing / duplicating enchanted books. Bibliocraft has a machine that can duplicate enchanting books - for an XP cost.

* I was thinking of a variation of an enchanting table that had two slots - one for a book and one for an item. The enchantment rolled would be appropriate for the item, but placed on the book.

* I havn't played 1.7 yet. Isnt there a new vanilla mechanic involving the use of lapis to choose a enchantment?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that it should require a small multiblock structure to actually enchant things. Like some sort of altar, then you should have to place items as a tribute around on pedestals. Then you must tap the altar with like a sword or a wand or something and then it would take the items though some fancy animation effect. Then the tool on the alter changes form slightly*. Although technically not enchanting, only one mod got it completely right. TiC comes a close second.

Can easily second this. TC4 has the best enchanting mechanic (and I am not talking about the fucking osmotic enchanter)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I cant believe no one else liked that comment with the list of actions a player must take to achieve enchants. Practically every mod has a craft this or do this a lot of times mentality. It would be nice for a mod to make us do a task once and make each task weird or unusual. Examples

Drop mob onto bookshelf so it dies there; mob drops a fall damage enchanted book and destroys the bookshelf
Make a skelly shoot a chicken to death; random chance chicken will drop a projectile protection book
Kill a villager with three X'd out trades; chance to drop fortune 3 enchanted book

So basically stuff that wouldnt necessarily happen all the time while playing minecraft (except maybe the villager thing), but would be kinda fun to make happen.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
what I get from this topic is that vanilla minecraft enchanting just really sucks dingdongs :p
I like vanilla enchanting.[DOUBLEPOST=1393320673][/DOUBLEPOST]
Exactly how would one go about enchanting farmland o_O unless you had a silk touch tool, it's impossible to even pick it up.
Silk touch on tilled dirt just drops dirt.

And what's so inherently cool about multiblocks? Sure, there are some awsome multiblicks like the infusion altar, but a single block can be awesome as well (Arcane Reconstructor, frex).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be Honest Enchanting Plus is just fine the way it is only thing I'd change would be Resourcepack Support for the UI and the table itself (a x16bit texture in a x32bit pack looks funny) and a little text that says what mod the Enchantment is from or tabs that sort enchantments by the mods they are with (my Current Privet pack adds a few dozen mods it needs sorting help) also for my pack looking forward to a 1.7.X update is that a plan? to keep E+ updated until the new project is done?