I'm afraid I don't have the information you're looking for, but I do want to dispute one of your sentiments. The Survivalist's Pickaxe (and shovel) is far from pointless. If I remember correctly, the Survivalist's Pickaxe can mine anything Iron can successfully at close enough if not at the same speed, except for Nether stuff. Sounds pretty mundane so far, but the Survivalist's Pickaxe has two things going for it. 1.) Once broken, two of its three ingots can be reclaimed. This is the cheapest repair method for a tool there is (not including recharging electric tools). 2.) You can produce kits of the pickaxe that can stack, allowing you to carry 64 picks on your person and only take up 3 slots total when all is said and done. The kits stack, the broken ones stack, and then there's your active pick.
The whole point of this is to increase yields via Fortune, therefore automatic mining methods undermine the intent by mining the ores before your Fortune pick can get to them, so much of it needs to be mined by hand. If you're going to be doing that, your cost-efficient choices are limited, assuming you don't want to drive yourself batty by digging through it all with Stone Pickaxes. You can either rely on the IC Drill and a batpack or their upgrades, in which case even a Lappack under constant use will need several return trips to be recharged, or you can carry a stack of Pickaxe Kits for a final cost of a single bronze ingot each pick.