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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why the hell enableWorldGenOreTin=false is the default value????

What else that is supposed to be generated is actually set on "false"?

This is a big issue.

now i'm starting a new world, just because i couldn't find any tin in the previous. How can i know if my Direwolf pack is set up correctly? i don't want do play a world, for 50 hours and then find out that someting essential like tin is missing.

edit: yes, i have thermal expansion set to be generating tin... but there is no tin in my world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are many mods that add in tin, but RP is set so that it isn't the one doing the world gen. Thermal Expansion is set to be the only one that generates copper, tin, silver, and a few others.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Copper, Lead, Silver and Tin are generated by Thermal Expansion, look at the configuration in minecraft/config/cofh/thermalexpansion.cfg


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You looked into the wrong configuration, we do not use the IC2 world generation at all. We use ThermalExpansion to generate our ores and also adjust the amount of them.

Tin now only spawns between the layers 20-55 (y). You probably only mined at lvl 10-15 for diamonds which will give you almost no tin at all!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are many mods that add in tin, but RP is set so that it isn't the one doing the world gen. Thermal Expansion is set to be the only one that generates copper, tin, silver, and a few others.

i figured out something like that, in fact there are no IC2 copper ores, but a much brighter one. But there is absolutely no tin. At no leve. Nothing at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What generates Ferrous Ore? I got a lot of it. Almost at the same quantity that tin should be, compared to the amount of iron and copper i have. (if iron:copper:tin is roughly the same as in FTB beta pack)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is tin, I've mined it. You just need to dig at the correct level.

I've been mining for 8 hours (birch forest, plains, desert, and savana(?)) At any level. And caving and going up and down three big ass ravines. There is no tin.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know how you feel. We can't seem to find enough gold or copper for our needs and we're run two quarries. Could it be that some of the other world gen mods could be stepping on each other's toes and reducing the amount of certain blocks created at world gen? I have more Xycraft ore than I know what do with but don't have two copper bars to rub together. Would disabling some of the mods that effect world gen help increase the amount of stuff found?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
I know how you feel. We can't seem to find enough gold or copper for our needs and we're run two quarries. Could it be that some of the other world gen mods could be stepping on each other's toes and reducing the amount of certain blocks created at world gen? I have more Xycraft ore than I know what do with but don't have two copper bars to rub together. Would disabling some of the mods that effect world gen help increase the amount of stuff found?

Actually Its because each mod only generates enough tin/copper ect for that one mod to use.
Having multiple mods which use the same resource, and only 1 mod generating that same resource will draw a heavier demand for it.
(same reason iron gets in short supply if you build a lot of IC2 stuff)

If 3 or 4 major mods use XYcraft crystals like they use tin/copper, they'd be the same issue, but alas XYcrystals are only used for making scrap or filling barrels.

Mods overriding each others ore seams does happen, as they are randomly generated and overlap on chance- in the same way the vanilla cave generator will swap out ore seams for air/lava.

Disabling a mods terrain gen will only effect new chunks, and disabling a world-gen mod outright will delete any block from that mod, leaving air. (Generally its a bad idea)
Enabling a second mods ore gen will only effect new chunks, and bung up people's sorting systems. (This is also considered cheating).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally i just changed the configs to make tin and copper a bit more abundant and spawn at lower levels.

i feel the default config simply makes tunnel bores useless and forces you to either use a top-down quarry, or a BC quarry/IC2 miner.

I like TBM :)[DOUBLEPOST=1357918779][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually Its because each mod only generates enough tin/copper ect for that one mod to use..

The FTB team manually balanced the amount of ores that spawn to what they believe is the best mix for people playing the pack (thats why they chose TE one thats highly configurable).

We may or may not agree with the amounts/distribution, but the cause of the issue is not what you mentioned above.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally i just changed the configs to make tin and copper a bit more abundant and spawn at lower levels.

i feel the default config simply makes tunnel bores useless and forces you to either use a top-down quarry, or a BC quarry/IC2 miner.

I like TBM :)

Do you do that in the Thermal Exp. config? I'm guessing as mentioned before, that it would only affect newly created chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, i did that in the TE config file, previous to generating the world.

you can also change it and then create a new mining age.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've reinstalle everything. Included java.

Now i get everything allright.

I also noticed that previously i had EVERY SINGLE (literally, every single) river biome as a checkerboard of water and land. Now i've generated a few worlds and flown around in creative, and sow this pattern on just a couple of occasions on a small area of a few chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been able to find tin naturally in caves or from mining at the appropriate height. However, I do have a concern about other mods generations getting in the way of things like tin or copper in the overworld or other dimensions. For instance, in Twilight Forest I have found several large hollow hills that are normally shining with ores. Since the update from Beta to Mindcrack/Direwolf20, I am finding huge amounts of marble where stalagtites (sp?) of ores would be present, and there is a definite decrease in the amount of ores present within the hill. The shapes are remaining consistent with normal ore generation for hollow hills, so I am inclined to think that perhaps some of it was overwritten by the marble gen.

Regardless, there is plenty of tin and copper to be found. What others have said is correct about needing to mine at different levels. I have never run out of either, and that is with some pretty intensive use of those two.