I don't understand the EDIT: Success! line but since we're getting tons of new players to FTB and modded MC I will explain how to set up a large quarry.
Make 3 landmarks
Place a redstone torch down where you want your quarry box to be
Directly behind (away from you) place the first landmark, if you done this bit right you should see blue lines shooting off in all directions
- Those blue lines measure 64 blocks away from the first landmark and that is the maximum size a quarry can be 64x64
Run to the end of one of the blue lines and place another landmark so it touches the end of the blue line, once done right click this landmark
- When you right click the landmark it should create a red line between the 2 landmarks you placed down.
Run back to the first landmark and then to the other end of the blue line (or run diagonally across)
Place your third landmark at the end of the blue line so it touches, once done right click this landmark
- Now sometimes this draws a complete flat square 64x64 and sometimes it doesn't, if it doesn't run back across diagonally to the 2nd landmark and right click it
What you should have now is a complete red box measuring out 64x64
Go back to the redstone torch and break it and then place the quarry where the redstone torch was.
This should give you a message about the quarry loading something like 24 chunks (don't remember the exact number)
Go pick up your landmarks and you can now setup your power and resource collecting. Oh and if you don't see the quarry frame (which is often the case when you first put it down) relog.