Whitelist Server EclipseCraft|Direwolf 5.2.1|Moderate Whitelist|15 Slots|24/7|

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I would appreciate being unbanned.

Reason: l3radrocks is an idiot.


Please Note: This post will be removed on unbanning((or my return from my hiking trip. Whichever comes first.))
I would rather this sent to me on teamspeak or a private message on the forums, however Brad exaplined it was intended to be a 1 hour ban and Essentials seemed to have made it a permanent one, removed now.
I would rather this sent to me on teamspeak or a private message on the forums, however Brad exaplined it was intended to be a 1 hour ban and Essentials seemed to have made it a permanent one, removed now.

Post Removed.

I wasn't expecting to be home right now, so I wasn't able to send it to you over teamspeak. Things have changed though, so I will be home until tomorrow.

EDIT: Actually I am still banned :(
In-Game Name: haloharry97

age: 14

Why do you want to join: I wan't to join a small server so I can get to know all the people and also because I don't like a screen full of text or a map so full there is no room to build with out going far far away. I love to build with in a group and trade stuff with others. One of my frineds are on this server and I want to play with him, his name is rob5251 he is a good chap.

Why should I choose you over other applicants?: If you are looking for someone who doesn't greif, kill people, and loves to build stuff without causing anyone a hassle then I would like to join and play with my friend.

Do you have past mod experience? Where?: Tekkit and FTB Direwolf20 pack I've played on an old server with rob.

Do you have a working microphone?:Yes

Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?:Yes
--In Game Name: _Kronza_
--Real Age: 17
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): I'd like to join you guys as I'm done with all the open server bullshit with all the griefers and people that really don't give a shit about being banned so they just do what ever in the hell they please as if they have millions of accounts to just go on and get banned on.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: I believe you should choose me over other people as I am a friendly and outgoing person, I dont mind sitting down and disscussing to a noobie of how this machine is powering this machine as it is proccessing this ore, I personally love teaching, which is why I plan on getting my master's in college for Teaching Math.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): Yes, I have experience of even running my own server for a bit, so I guess I have quite a bit of experience, before I ran that server I had played tekkit for about 4-5 months.
--Do you have a working microphone? Yeah, TurtleBeach Px21's
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? Why not, I already have it installed on my PC.
In Game Name:

Real Age:

Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better):
I Have for a long time been looking for a friendly server with players that know what they do and i think that i have finally found what i was looking for.
I also hope to get to know some new people that enjoy to play modded Minecraft together.
As I am studying during the days and not able to play so much during that time i want to feel secure to leave my stuff without having to build some sort of complicated trap, maybe just a small one will do. hehe!
When i play on a server i try to give something back to the server, maybe nothing fancy but something, like a community build or maybe help with teaching new people or something like that.

Why should I choose you over other applicants?:
That is a hard question to ask and all i can say is that i am friendly and helpful, i work great with others and all that stuff, I also think that i am able to help new players to get started with modded Minecraft if that is needed, but that is all i can say unfortunatly.

Do you have past mod experience? Whereo? (we are nob friendly!):

I have been playing modded Minecraft for almost a year now and are eager to try new things all the time.

Do you have a working microphone?


Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?
iam 14 but pretty mature
i want to join you because :
i want to play on your server to do a youtube lets play, and because a server i used to play on isn''t fun anymore, i also want to help you gys, and i want to have a good time
you should choose me because i will be an active player and come on the teamspeak, and i will help you guys :D
i have allot of experience with the mods because iam not i great builder (iam not bad but not great) so i searched for things to do and so i came in the mods, ic1 ee1 so i know my way around
i have a mic and i would love to come on the teamspeak
hey kyle i wasn't able to get on the server today. was the server down or something? It gave me a connection refused error
I think the server is down it keeps telling me cant reach it
I know it is f cked up.

I will get some of the creeperhost staff to look at it, oh yeah, did I mention?

No more applications will be reviewed from now on, thanks.
--In Game Name: hideyholeman
--Real Age: I'm currently thirteen, but I'll be fourteen in a little more then a week
--Why do you want to join us? A small, friendly, mature, and intelligent community (I'm not referring to noobs, just refering to people that aren't generally intelligent) where I can make close friends as opposed to enemies who want to steal my stuff. I want to get away from the griefers, and the immature children who think they're all that (and some more). I also enjoy organizing and committing to community projects where we can create a large structure, or a little town, or (in the case of a FTB server) a massive, complex factory. I had a cool idea where we could create a complex that's similar to a bunker and will produce and items that can be created through UU by setting up a ton of mass fabricators and scrap machines (not to mention needing a ton power), and is controlled automatically through a ComputerCraft system. I'm also looking for a server that I won't get addicted to and it suddenly stops running because the owner forgets about it or the owner gets tired of running it. Finally, I'm looking for a relaxed, laidback server where we could pull pranks on each other, nothing too destructive, but similar to the MindCrack server styles of pranking, if that's okay
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: I'm a friendly and trustworthy player that commits to servers until they end, I have quite a bit of knowledge on a Direwolf20's modpack, and I'm not afraid to help people if they need it (building a house, excavating a space, sending supplies, helping with large constructs). I bring a large knowledge of Thaumcraft 3 and Bee/Tree breeding from Forrestry. I also bring (not to toot my own horn) a great building talent. I enjoy creating massive, original structures, using things from different realms, such as a certain mazestone as flooring (twilight forest) for my Thaumcraft 3 room. I bring a listening ear to those who want to just talk, or laugh and have fun on the server!
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I'm very experienced in Forrrestry and Thaumcraft 3, and moderately experienced in all of the other mods such as Redpower, Buildcraft and Industrialcraft. Sadly, I'm not going to lie, I suck at ComputerCraft, but I'm willing to learn if anybody is savvy with it, and is willing to offer help
--Do you have a working microphone? Yes, I have a full headset, recently bought. It's in excellent condition.
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? Yep!
--Examples of my builds : I don't play on single player, and I'm looking for a new server because the last one shutdown, so I don't have any pictures, but if you accept me, I promise I'll show you that I won't build anything terrible looking, or unnecessary

--Edit-- I just read that you aren't accepting any more applications :/ Curses! A bit too late. Although, if anyone drops out, I would really appreciate it, if you could consider giving me their spot, thanks.