DW20 Cant use deployer on tanks?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello! i am trying to make a unlimited EU machine using the lava in the nether and geothermal generators but i cant seem to be able to get deployers to fill a bucket or a empty cell from a tank. any ideas or workarounds?

i am using Tank > Deployer > Filter and it is getting pulses from a timer


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I heard issues with this setup... To be honest you have better options though.. You can use TE to make your lava for you IE Magma Crucuible... Or you can you Railcraft Loaders and Unloaders and mystcraft portals to transport the Lava for you..

ALso there is a machine in TE that can also automatically Bottle up lava and ship it the same way you want too.

But someone in Redpower forum had the same issue.. I never really messed with doing it your way.. But it should work.. I think it has something to do with redpower deployer working with a tank.. You could try buildcraft old fasioned tanks.. That should work since it worked it the old days.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no.. i have the same issue.. deployer does not work.. useing dw20 v3

also i tryed it with filters and the TE liquid transposer.. the filter does not pull nor push the buckets.

i dont use (cant because of lag) mystcraft and some more mods.
any ideas how i could get the lava from the nether my geothermal in the overworld? tutorials would be nice.

i think we all (at least i) want something automatic we dont have to babysit that often.

im interessted in where the deployer not deploying bug comes from.. if its rp2 bug or forge.. i tested with multimc and only forge and rp2 installd.. same thing.. deployer does not deploy. -.-


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The easiest way to get lava out of the nether without mystcraft would probably be to pump it, can it and then transfer it to the normal world using an enderchest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The easiest way to get lava out of the nether without mystcraft would probably be to pump it, can it and then transfer it to the normal world using an enderchest.
ya but how without the deployer working?!? :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the easiest method is to use 2 pairs of ender chests. One for filled cells and one for empties.

Pump the liquid form of lava into the TE liquid transposer. Regular BC pump can do this off 4 redstone engines.

On the source side:
Set the transposer to fill mode (click the water drop looking thing).

Use the configuration control on the right side (gear looking thing) to setup the sides for input/output and put a stack of cans/cells whatever in. It will fill the cans and eject them out the side you select. Use one set of Enderchests for filled cells and on the source side place it adjacent to the output side you select in the config. The empty cell ender chest will be a block away and use a redstone engine + wooden pipe to pump the empties out of the chest and into this filling liquid transposer.

On the destination side:
Setup the wooden pipe + redstone pump on the lava cell chest. Pump the cells into the input side you select on this transposer. Leave the transposer in its default mode and it will empty cells. Output the empty cells to an adjacent ender chest (basically same setup but chests are opposite of the source side). Configure a liquid output side and connect a liquiduct or any buildcraft waterproof piping to that side. It will automatically be pumped out of the machine into the pipes - no engines needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd think diverting a few buckets of your lava lake to a magmatic engine would solve your nether-side power needs?

Ah, I see from the other thread that magmatic engines have an overheating problem I didn't run into while I was using them.

Hmm. You'd have to throttle it somehow, I guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The heat issue is with conductive pipes, not the engines. Use conduits, or attach the engine directly. Also, likely easier to put your tank in the over world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
doesnt the te liquid transposer need power?!?

It does. You're pumping lava though. Stick a magmatic engine next to it and use a waterproof pipe or liqiduct to send some of the lava into the magmatic engine. That'll cover the power needs of the liquid transposer.

I managed this, although to fill an iron tank in the overworld, using a single set of ender chests, a set of filters, and a set of liquid transposers. All you have to do is attach both ends to liquiducts and use the magmatic engine on the nether side as described above, as well as some sort of power on the overworld side.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It does. You're pumping lava though. Stick a magmatic engine next to it and use a waterproof pipe or liqiduct to send some of the lava into the magmatic engine. That'll cover the power needs of the liquid transposer.

I managed this, although to fill an iron tank in the overworld, using a single set of ender chests, a set of filters, and a set of liquid transposers. All you have to do is attach both ends to liquiducts and use the magmatic engine on the nether side as described above, as well as some sort of power on the overworld side.
Actually, stick the magmatic engine right by the pump, but not powering it directly. This will instantly make the liquid transfer. Do the same with transposer. Easiest is to put them in a line, Magmatic Engine - Pump - Liquid Transposer - EnderChest.

Then, do a redstone conduit line across the front of the three machines. Now, you have two choices here. You can either make a filter pull out your blanks and drop them in the Liquid Transposer, or use a second set of ender-chests for the blanks and pump them out with BC pipes, up to you.

There are two important parts of this to always try and do regardless in any pump setup. Connect magma engines and liquid transposers directly to the pump, it avoids lag as the fluid in pipes is constant calculations, machine to machine is instant, and always power the setup with redstone pipes. This enables the intelligence of TE engines/machines, and the engine will cycle itself down to match the needs of the system, which when you don't need laval becomes 1mj/t (pumps aren't smart enough to say no).